Исходный код mapscript.mapscript

# This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
# Version 4.1.0
# Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
# the SWIG interface file instead.

from sys import version_info as _swig_python_version_info
if _swig_python_version_info < (3, 0):
    raise RuntimeError("Python 3.x or later required")

# Import the low-level C/C++ module
if __package__ or "." in __name__:
    from . import _mapscript
    import _mapscript

    import builtins as __builtin__
except ImportError:
    import __builtin__

def _swig_repr(self):
        strthis = "proxy of " + self.this.__repr__()
    except __builtin__.Exception:
        strthis = ""
    return "<%s.%s; %s >" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, strthis,)

def _swig_setattr_nondynamic_instance_variable(set):
    def set_instance_attr(self, name, value):
        if name == "thisown":
        elif name == "this":
            set(self, name, value)
        elif hasattr(self, name) and isinstance(getattr(type(self), name), property):
            set(self, name, value)
            raise AttributeError("You cannot add instance attributes to %s" % self)
    return set_instance_attr

def _swig_setattr_nondynamic_class_variable(set):
    def set_class_attr(cls, name, value):
        if hasattr(cls, name) and not isinstance(getattr(cls, name), property):
            set(cls, name, value)
            raise AttributeError("You cannot add class attributes to %s" % cls)
    return set_class_attr

def _swig_add_metaclass(metaclass):
    """Class decorator for adding a metaclass to a SWIG wrapped class - a slimmed down version of six.add_metaclass"""
    def wrapper(cls):
        return metaclass(cls.__name__, cls.__bases__, cls.__dict__.copy())
    return wrapper

class _SwigNonDynamicMeta(type):
    """Meta class to enforce nondynamic attributes (no new attributes) for a class"""
    __setattr__ = _swig_setattr_nondynamic_class_variable(type.__setattr__)

class intarray(object):
    thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")
    __repr__ = _swig_repr

    def __init__(self, nelements: "size_t"):
        _mapscript.intarray_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_intarray(nelements))
    __swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_intarray

    def __getitem__(self, index: "size_t") -> "int":
        return _mapscript.intarray___getitem__(self, index)

    def __setitem__(self, index: "size_t", value: "int") -> "void":
        return _mapscript.intarray___setitem__(self, index, value)

    def cast(self) -> "int *":
        return _mapscript.intarray_cast(self)

    def frompointer(t: "int *") -> "intarray *":
        return _mapscript.intarray_frompointer(t)

# Register intarray in _mapscript:

def intarray_frompointer(t: "int *") -> "intarray *":
    return _mapscript.intarray_frompointer(t)

MapServerError = _mapscript.MapServerError
MapServerChildError = _mapscript.MapServerChildError

MS_TRUE = _mapscript.MS_TRUE
MS_FALSE = _mapscript.MS_FALSE
MS_ON = _mapscript.MS_ON
MS_OFF = _mapscript.MS_OFF
MS_EMBED = _mapscript.MS_EMBED
MS_DELETE = _mapscript.MS_DELETE
MS_YES = _mapscript.MS_YES
MS_NO = _mapscript.MS_NO
MS_FILE_MAP = _mapscript.MS_FILE_MAP
MS_INCHES = _mapscript.MS_INCHES
MS_FEET = _mapscript.MS_FEET
MS_MILES = _mapscript.MS_MILES
MS_METERS = _mapscript.MS_METERS
MS_DD = _mapscript.MS_DD
MS_PIXELS = _mapscript.MS_PIXELS
MS_BITMAP = _mapscript.MS_BITMAP
MS_UL = _mapscript.MS_UL
MS_LR = _mapscript.MS_LR
MS_UR = _mapscript.MS_UR
MS_LL = _mapscript.MS_LL
MS_CR = _mapscript.MS_CR
MS_CL = _mapscript.MS_CL
MS_UC = _mapscript.MS_UC
MS_LC = _mapscript.MS_LC
MS_CC = _mapscript.MS_CC
MS_AUTO = _mapscript.MS_AUTO
MS_XY = _mapscript.MS_XY
MS_NONE = _mapscript.MS_NONE
MS_AUTO2 = _mapscript.MS_AUTO2
MS_FOLLOW = _mapscript.MS_FOLLOW
MS_TINY = _mapscript.MS_TINY
MS_SMALL = _mapscript.MS_SMALL
MS_MEDIUM = _mapscript.MS_MEDIUM
MS_LARGE = _mapscript.MS_LARGE
MS_GIANT = _mapscript.MS_GIANT
MS_NORMAL = _mapscript.MS_NORMAL
MS_HILITE = _mapscript.MS_HILITE
MS_INLINE = _mapscript.MS_INLINE
MS_UNUSED_2 = _mapscript.MS_UNUSED_2
MS_OGR = _mapscript.MS_OGR
MS_UNUSED_1 = _mapscript.MS_UNUSED_1
MS_WMS = _mapscript.MS_WMS
MS_WFS = _mapscript.MS_WFS
MS_MYSQL = _mapscript.MS_MYSQL
MS_RASTER = _mapscript.MS_RASTER
MS_PLUGIN = _mapscript.MS_PLUGIN
MS_UNION = _mapscript.MS_UNION
MS_IDW = _mapscript.MS_IDW
MS_DB_XBASE = _mapscript.MS_DB_XBASE
MS_DB_CSV = _mapscript.MS_DB_CSV
MS_DB_MYSQL = _mapscript.MS_DB_MYSQL
MS_SINGLE = _mapscript.MS_SINGLE
MS_CJC_NONE = _mapscript.MS_CJC_NONE
MS_CJC_BUTT = _mapscript.MS_CJC_BUTT
MS_DONE = _mapscript.MS_DONE
class CompositingFilter(object):
    thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")
    __repr__ = _swig_repr
    filter: "char *" = property(_mapscript.CompositingFilter_filter_get, _mapscript.CompositingFilter_filter_set)
    next: "struct _CompositingFilter *" = property(_mapscript.CompositingFilter_next_get, _mapscript.CompositingFilter_next_set)

    def __init__(self):
        _mapscript.CompositingFilter_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_CompositingFilter())
    __swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_CompositingFilter

# Register CompositingFilter in _mapscript:

class LayerCompositer(object):
    thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")
    __repr__ = _swig_repr
    comp_op: "CompositingOperation" = property(_mapscript.LayerCompositer_comp_op_get, _mapscript.LayerCompositer_comp_op_set)
    opacity: "int" = property(_mapscript.LayerCompositer_opacity_get, _mapscript.LayerCompositer_opacity_set)
    filter: "CompositingFilter *" = property(_mapscript.LayerCompositer_filter_get, _mapscript.LayerCompositer_filter_set)
    next: "struct _LayerCompositer *" = property(_mapscript.LayerCompositer_next_get, _mapscript.LayerCompositer_next_set)

    def __init__(self):
        _mapscript.LayerCompositer_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_LayerCompositer())
    __swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_LayerCompositer

# Register LayerCompositer in _mapscript:

class fontSetObj(object):
    thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag")
    __repr__ = _swig_repr
    filename: "char *" = property(_mapscript.fontSetObj_filename_get)
    numfonts: "int" = property(_mapscript.fontSetObj_numfonts_get)
    fonts: "hashTableObj" = property(_mapscript.fontSetObj_fonts_get)

[документация] def __init__(self): _mapscript.fontSetObj_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_fontSetObj())
[документация] def updateFromString(self, snippet: "char *") -> "int": r""" Update a cluster from a string snippet. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE`""" return _mapscript.clusterObj_updateFromString(self, snippet)
[документация] def convertToString(self) -> "char *": r""" Output the :ref:`cluster` as a Mapfile string""" return _mapscript.clusterObj_convertToString(self)
[документация] def setGroup(self, group: "char *") -> "int": r""" Set :ref:`GROUP <mapfile-cluster-group>` string where `group` is a MapServer text expression. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.clusterObj_setGroup(self, group)
[документация] def getGroupString(self) -> "char *": r""" Return a string representation of :ref:`GROUP <mapfile-cluster-group>`""" return _mapscript.clusterObj_getGroupString(self)
[документация] def setFilter(self, filter: "char *") -> "int": r""" Set :ref:`FILTER <mapfile-cluster-filter>` string where `filter` is a MapServer text expression. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.clusterObj_setFilter(self, filter)
[документация] def getFilterString(self) -> "char *": return _mapscript.clusterObj_getFilterString(self)
[документация] def __init__(self): _mapscript.clusterObj_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_clusterObj())
__swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_clusterObj # Register clusterObj in _mapscript: _mapscript.clusterObj_swigregister(clusterObj) class outputFormatObj(object): r"""The :ref:`OUTPUTFORMAT <outputformat>` object""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr numformatoptions: "int" = property(_mapscript.outputFormatObj_numformatoptions_get, doc=r""" The number of option values set on this format - can be used to iterate over the options array in conjunction with :func:`outputFormatObj.getOptionAt` """) name: "char *" = property(_mapscript.outputFormatObj_name_get, _mapscript.outputFormatObj_name_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`NAME <mapfile-outputformat-name>`""") mimetype: "char *" = property(_mapscript.outputFormatObj_mimetype_get, _mapscript.outputFormatObj_mimetype_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`MIMETYPE <mapfile-outputformat-mimetype>`""") driver: "char *" = property(_mapscript.outputFormatObj_driver_get, _mapscript.outputFormatObj_driver_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`DRIVER <mapfile-outputformat-driver>`""") extension: "char *" = property(_mapscript.outputFormatObj_extension_get, _mapscript.outputFormatObj_extension_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`EXTENSION <mapfile-outputformat-extension>`""") renderer: "int" = property(_mapscript.outputFormatObj_renderer_get, _mapscript.outputFormatObj_renderer_set, doc=r""" A :ref:`render mode constant<mapfile-constants-render>` - normally set internally based on the driver and some other setting in the constructor.""") imagemode: "int" = property(_mapscript.outputFormatObj_imagemode_get, _mapscript.outputFormatObj_imagemode_set, doc=r""" An :ref:`Image mode constant<mapfile-constants-imagemode>` - see :ref:`IMAGEMODE <mapfile-outputformat-imagemode>`""") transparent: "int" = property(_mapscript.outputFormatObj_transparent_get, _mapscript.outputFormatObj_transparent_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`TRANSPARENT <mapfile-outputformat-transparent>`""") bands: "int" = property(_mapscript.outputFormatObj_bands_get, _mapscript.outputFormatObj_bands_set, doc=r""" The number of bands in the raster, normally set via the BAND_COUNT formatoption - this field should be considered read-only Only used for the "raw" modes, MS_IMAGEMODE_BYTE, MS_IMAGEMODE_INT16, and MS_IMAGEMODE_FLOAT32 """) inmapfile: "int" = property(_mapscript.outputFormatObj_inmapfile_get, _mapscript.outputFormatObj_inmapfile_set, doc=r""" Boolean value indicating if the format is in the Mapfile""")
[документация] def __init__(self, driver: "char const *", name: "char *"=None): r""" Create new instance. If name is not provided, the value of driver is used as a name.""" _mapscript.outputFormatObj_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_outputFormatObj(driver, name))
__swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_outputFormatObj
[документация] def setExtension(self, extension: "char const *") -> "void": r""" Set file extension for output format such as 'png' or 'jpg'. Method could probably be deprecated since the extension attribute is mutable. Not in Java extension. """ return _mapscript.outputFormatObj_setExtension(self, extension)
[документация] def setMimetype(self, mimetype: "char const *") -> "void": r""" Set mimetype for output format such as ``image/png`` or ``image/jpeg``. Method could probably be deprecated since the mimetype attribute is mutable. Not in Java extension """ return _mapscript.outputFormatObj_setMimetype(self, mimetype)
[документация] def setOption(self, key: "char const *", value: "char const *") -> "void": r""" Set the format option at ``key`` to ``value``. Format options are mostly driver specific.""" return _mapscript.outputFormatObj_setOption(self, key, value)
[документация] def validate(self) -> "int": r""" Checks some internal consistency issues, and returns :data:`MS_TRUE` if things are OK and :data:`MS_FALSE` if there are problems. Some problems are fixed up internally. May produce debug output if issues encountered. """ return _mapscript.outputFormatObj_validate(self)
[документация] def getOption(self, *args) -> "char *": r""" Return the format option at ``key`` or ``defaultvalue`` if key is not a valid hash index. """ return _mapscript.outputFormatObj_getOption(self, *args)
[документация] def getOptionAt(self, i: "int") -> "char *": r""" Returns the option at ``idx`` or NULL if the index is beyond the array bounds. The option is returned as the original KEY=VALUE string. The number of available options can be obtained via :attr:`outputFormatObj.numformatoptions` """ return _mapscript.outputFormatObj_getOptionAt(self, i)
[документация] def attachDevice(self, device: "void *") -> "void": r""" Set the device property of the output format""" return _mapscript.outputFormatObj_attachDevice(self, device)
# Register outputFormatObj in _mapscript: _mapscript.outputFormatObj_swigregister(outputFormatObj) MS_NOOVERRIDE = _mapscript.MS_NOOVERRIDE class queryMapObj(object): r""" The :ref:`QUERYMAP <querymap>` object. Instances of querymapObj are always are always embedded inside the :class:`mapObj`. """ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr height: "int" = property(_mapscript.queryMapObj_height_get, _mapscript.queryMapObj_height_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`SIZE <mapfile-querymap-size>`""") width: "int" = property(_mapscript.queryMapObj_width_get, _mapscript.queryMapObj_width_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`SIZE <mapfile-querymap-size>`""") status: "int" = property(_mapscript.queryMapObj_status_get, _mapscript.queryMapObj_status_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`STATUS <mapfile-querymap-status>`""") style: "int" = property(_mapscript.queryMapObj_style_get, _mapscript.queryMapObj_style_set, doc=r""" ``HILITE``, ``SELECTED`` or ``NORMAL`` - see :ref:`STYLE <mapfile-querymap-style>`""") color: "colorObj" = property(_mapscript.queryMapObj_color_get, _mapscript.queryMapObj_color_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`COLOR <mapfile-querymap-color>`""")
[документация] def updateFromString(self, snippet: "char *") -> "int": r""" Update a querymap from a string snippet. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.queryMapObj_updateFromString(self, snippet)
[документация] def convertToString(self) -> "char *": r""" Saves the object to a string. Provides the inverse option for :func:`queryMapObj.updateFromString`.""" return _mapscript.queryMapObj_convertToString(self)
[документация] def __init__(self): _mapscript.queryMapObj_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_queryMapObj())
__swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_queryMapObj # Register queryMapObj in _mapscript: _mapscript.queryMapObj_swigregister(queryMapObj) class webObj(object): r""" The :ref:`WEB <web>` object. Has no other existence than as an attribute of a :class:`mapObj`. Serves as a container for various run-time web application definitions like temporary file paths, template paths, etc. """ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr metadata: "hashTableObj" = property(_mapscript.webObj_metadata_get, doc=r""" Metadata hash table - see :ref:`METADATA <mapfile-web-metadata>`""") validation: "hashTableObj" = property(_mapscript.webObj_validation_get, doc=r""" See :ref:`VALIDATION <mapfile-web-validation>`""") map: "struct mapObj *" = property(_mapscript.webObj_map_get, doc=r""" Reference to parent :class:`mapObj`""") extent: "rectObj" = property(_mapscript.webObj_extent_get, _mapscript.webObj_extent_set, doc=r""" The clipping extent - see :ref:`EXTENT <mapfile-web-extent>`""") log: "char *" = property(_mapscript.webObj_log_get, _mapscript.webObj_log_set, doc=r""" TODO - deprecated - see :ref:`LOG <mapfile-web-log>`""") imagepath: "char *" = property(_mapscript.webObj_imagepath_get, _mapscript.webObj_imagepath_set, doc=r""" Filesystem path to temporary image location - see :ref:`IMAGEPATH <mapfile-web-imagepath>`""") imageurl: "char *" = property(_mapscript.webObj_imageurl_get, _mapscript.webObj_imageurl_set, doc=r""" URL to temporary image location - see :ref:`IMAGEURL <mapfile-web-imageurl>`""") temppath: "char *" = property(_mapscript.webObj_temppath_get, _mapscript.webObj_temppath_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`TEMPPATH <mapfile-web-temppath>`""") header: "char *" = property(_mapscript.webObj_header_get, _mapscript.webObj_header_set, doc=r""" Path to header document - see :ref:`HEADER <mapfile-web-header>`""") footer: "char *" = property(_mapscript.webObj_footer_get, _mapscript.webObj_footer_set, doc=r""" Path to footer document - see :ref:`FOOTER <mapfile-web-footer>`""") empty: "char *" = property(_mapscript.webObj_empty_get, _mapscript.webObj_empty_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`EMPTY <mapfile-web-empty>`""") error: "char *" = property(_mapscript.webObj_error_get, _mapscript.webObj_error_set, doc=r""" Error handling - see :ref:`ERROR <mapfile-web-error>`""") minscaledenom: "double" = property(_mapscript.webObj_minscaledenom_get, _mapscript.webObj_minscaledenom_set, doc=r""" Maximum map scale - see :ref:`MINSCALEDENOM <mapfile-web-minscaledenom>`""") maxscaledenom: "double" = property(_mapscript.webObj_maxscaledenom_get, _mapscript.webObj_maxscaledenom_set, doc=r""" Minimum map scale - see :ref:`MAXSCALEDENOM <mapfile-web-maxscaledenom>`""") mintemplate: "char *" = property(_mapscript.webObj_mintemplate_get, _mapscript.webObj_mintemplate_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`MINTEMPLATE <mapfile-web-mintemplate>`""") maxtemplate: "char *" = property(_mapscript.webObj_maxtemplate_get, _mapscript.webObj_maxtemplate_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`MAXTEMPLATE <mapfile-web-maxtemplate>`""") queryformat: "char *" = property(_mapscript.webObj_queryformat_get, _mapscript.webObj_queryformat_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`QUERYFORMAT <mapfile-web-queryformat>` /* what format is the query to be returned, given as a MIME type""") legendformat: "char *" = property(_mapscript.webObj_legendformat_get, _mapscript.webObj_legendformat_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`LEGENDFORMAT <mapfile-web-legendformat>`""") browseformat: "char *" = property(_mapscript.webObj_browseformat_get, _mapscript.webObj_browseformat_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`BROWSEFORMAT <mapfile-web-browseformat>`""") template: "char *" = property(_mapscript.webObj_template_get, _mapscript.webObj_template_set, doc=r""" Path to template document - see :ref:`TEMPLATE <mapfile-web-template>`""")
[документация] def __init__(self): r""" Instances of :class:`webObj` are always are always embedded inside the :class:`mapObj`. Has no other existence than as an attribute of a :class:`mapObj`. Serves as a container for various run-time web application definitions like temporary file paths, template paths, etc. """ _mapscript.webObj_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_webObj())
__swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_webObj
[документация] def updateFromString(self, snippet: "char *") -> "int": r""" Update a :class:`webObj` from a string snippet. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE`""" return _mapscript.webObj_updateFromString(self, snippet)
[документация] def convertToString(self) -> "char *": r""" Output the :ref:`web` object as a Mapfile string. Provides the inverse option for :func:`webObj.updateFromString`.""" return _mapscript.webObj_convertToString(self)
# Register webObj in _mapscript: _mapscript.webObj_swigregister(webObj) class styleObj(object): r"""The :ref:`STYLE <style>` object. An instance of styleObj is associated with one instance of :class:`classObj`.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr refcount: "int" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_refcount_get, doc=r""" number of references to this object""") symbolname: "char *" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_symbolname_get, doc=r""" Name of the style's symbol - see :ref:`symbolname <mapfile-style-symbol>`""") patternlength: "int" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_patternlength_get, doc=r""" Number of elements in the pattern attribute""") angle: "double" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_angle_get, _mapscript.styleObj_angle_set, doc=r""" Angle, given in degrees, to draw the line work, default is 0, for symbols of Type HATCH, this is the angle of the hatched lines - see :ref:`ANGLE <mapfile-style-angle>` """) autoangle: "int" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_autoangle_get, _mapscript.styleObj_autoangle_set, doc=r""" If the angle is set to ``AUTO`` - see :ref:`ANGLE <mapfile-style-angle>`""") antialiased: "int" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_antialiased_get, _mapscript.styleObj_antialiased_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`ANTIALIAS <mapfile-style-antialias>`""") color: "colorObj" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_color_get, _mapscript.styleObj_color_set, doc=r""" Foreground or fill pen color - see :ref:`COLOR <mapfile-style-color>`""") backgroundcolor: "colorObj" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_backgroundcolor_get, _mapscript.styleObj_backgroundcolor_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`BACKGROUNDCOLOR <mapfile-style-backgroundcolor>`""") outlinecolor: "colorObj" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_outlinecolor_get, _mapscript.styleObj_outlinecolor_set, doc=r""" Outline pen color - see :ref:`OUTLINECOLOR <mapfile-style-outlinecolor>`""") opacity: "int" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_opacity_get, _mapscript.styleObj_opacity_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`OPACITY <mapfile-style-opacity>`""") mincolor: "colorObj" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_mincolor_get, _mapscript.styleObj_mincolor_set, doc=r""" Minimum color in the :ref:`COLORRANGE <mapfile-style-colorrange>`""") maxcolor: "colorObj" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_maxcolor_get, _mapscript.styleObj_maxcolor_set, doc=r""" Maximum color in the :ref:`COLORRANGE <mapfile-style-colorrange>`""") minvalue: "double" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_minvalue_get, _mapscript.styleObj_minvalue_set, doc=r""" related to color ranges""") maxvalue: "double" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_maxvalue_get, _mapscript.styleObj_maxvalue_set, doc=r""" related to color ranges""") rangeitem: "char *" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_rangeitem_get, _mapscript.styleObj_rangeitem_set, doc=r""" Attribute/field that stores the values for the Color Range Mapping - see :ref:`RANGEITEM <mapfile-style-rangeitem>`""") rangeitemindex: "int" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_rangeitemindex_get, _mapscript.styleObj_rangeitemindex_set, doc=r""" The index of the range item - see :ref:`RANGEITEM <mapfile-style-rangeitem>`""") symbol: "int" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_symbol_get, _mapscript.styleObj_symbol_set, doc=r""" The index within the map symbolset of the style's symbol - see :ref:`SYMBOL <mapfile-style-symbol>`""") size: "double" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_size_get, _mapscript.styleObj_size_set, doc=r""" Pixel width of the style's pen or symbol - see :ref:`SIZE <mapfile-style-size>`""") minsize: "double" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_minsize_get, _mapscript.styleObj_minsize_set, doc=r""" Minimum pen or symbol width for scaling styles - see :ref:`MINSIZE <mapfile-style-minsize>`""") maxsize: "double" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_maxsize_get, _mapscript.styleObj_maxsize_set, doc=r""" Maximum pen or symbol width for scaling - see :ref:`MAXSIZE <mapfile-style-maxsize>`""") gap: "double" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_gap_get, _mapscript.styleObj_gap_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`GAP <mapfile-style-gap>` - moved from symbolObj in version 6.0""") initialgap: "double" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_initialgap_get, _mapscript.styleObj_initialgap_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`INITIALGAP <mapfile-style-initialgap>`""") position: "int" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_position_get, _mapscript.styleObj_position_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`POSITION <mapfile-style-position>` - moved from symbolObj in version 6.0""") linecap: "int" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_linecap_get, _mapscript.styleObj_linecap_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`LINECAP <mapfile-style-linecap>`""") linejoin: "int" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_linejoin_get, _mapscript.styleObj_linejoin_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`LINEJOIN <mapfile-style-linejoin>` - moved from symbolObj in version 6.0""") linejoinmaxsize: "double" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_linejoinmaxsize_get, _mapscript.styleObj_linejoinmaxsize_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`LINEJOINMAXSIZE <mapfile-style-linejoinmaxsize>` - moved from symbolObj in version 6.0""") width: "double" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_width_get, _mapscript.styleObj_width_set, doc=r""" Width refers to the thickness of line work drawn, in pixels - default is 1, for symbols of type ``HATCH``, the with is how thick the hatched lines are - see :ref:`WIDTH <mapfile-style-width>` """) outlinewidth: "double" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_outlinewidth_get, _mapscript.styleObj_outlinewidth_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`OUTLINEWIDTH <mapfile-style-outlinewidth>`""") minwidth: "double" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_minwidth_get, _mapscript.styleObj_minwidth_set, doc=r""" Minimum width of the symbol - see :ref:`MINWIDTH <mapfile-style-minwidth>`""") maxwidth: "double" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_maxwidth_get, _mapscript.styleObj_maxwidth_set, doc=r""" Maximum width of the symbol - see :ref:`MAXWIDTH <mapfile-style-maxwidth>`""") offsetx: "double" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_offsetx_get, _mapscript.styleObj_offsetx_set, doc=r""" Draw with pen or symbol offset from map data, for shadows, hollow symbols, etc - see :ref:`OFFSET <mapfile-style-offset>`""") offsety: "double" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_offsety_get, _mapscript.styleObj_offsety_set, doc=r""" Draw with pen or symbol offset from map data, for shadows, hollow symbols, etc - see :ref:`OFFSET <mapfile-style-offset>`""") polaroffsetpixel: "double" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_polaroffsetpixel_get, _mapscript.styleObj_polaroffsetpixel_set, doc=r""" Specifies the radius/distance - see :ref:`POLAROFFSET <mapfile-style-polaroffset>`""") polaroffsetangle: "double" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_polaroffsetangle_get, _mapscript.styleObj_polaroffsetangle_set, doc=r""" Specified the angle - see :ref:`POLAROFFSET <mapfile-style-polaroffset>`""") minscaledenom: "double" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_minscaledenom_get, _mapscript.styleObj_minscaledenom_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`MINSCALEDENOM <mapfile-style-minscaledenom>`""") maxscaledenom: "double" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_maxscaledenom_get, _mapscript.styleObj_maxscaledenom_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`MAXSCALEDENOM <mapfile-style-maxscaledenom>`""") sizeunits: "int" = property(_mapscript.styleObj_sizeunits_get, _mapscript.styleObj_sizeunits_set, doc=r""" Supersedes class's :ref:`SIZEUNITS <mapfile-class-sizeunits>` to allow fine-grained sizing for improved SLD (RFC 124)""")
[документация] def __init__(self, parent_class: "classObj"=None): r""" Returns new default :class:`styleObj` instance. The ``parent_class`` is optional.""" _mapscript.styleObj_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_styleObj(parent_class))
__swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_styleObj
[документация] def updateFromString(self, snippet: "char *") -> "int": r""" Update a style from a string snippet. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.styleObj_updateFromString(self, snippet)
[документация] def convertToString(self) -> "char *": r""" Saves the object to a string. Provides the inverse option for :func:`styleObj.updateFromString`""" return _mapscript.styleObj_convertToString(self)
[документация] def clone(self) -> "styleObj *": r""" Returns an independent copy of the style with no parent class.""" return _mapscript.styleObj_clone(self)
[документация] def setSymbolByName(self, map: "mapObj", symbolname: "char *") -> "int": r""" Setting the symbol of the :class:`styleObj` given the reference of the map object and the symbol name. """ return _mapscript.styleObj_setSymbolByName(self, map, symbolname)
[документация] def removeBinding(self, binding: "int") -> "int": r""" Remove the attribute binding for a specified style property.""" return _mapscript.styleObj_removeBinding(self, binding)
[документация] def setBinding(self, binding: "int", item: "char *") -> "int": r""" Remove the attribute binding for a specified style property.""" return _mapscript.styleObj_setBinding(self, binding, item)
[документация] def getBinding(self, binding: "int") -> "char *": r""" Get the attribute binding for a specified style property. Returns NULL if there is no binding for this property. """ return _mapscript.styleObj_getBinding(self, binding)
[документация] def getGeomTransform(self) -> "char *": r""" Get the :ref:`GEOMTRANSFORM <mapfile-style-geomtransform>` for the style.""" return _mapscript.styleObj_getGeomTransform(self)
[документация] def setGeomTransform(self, transform: "char *") -> "void": r""" Set the :ref:`GEOMTRANSFORM <mapfile-style-geomtransform>` for the style.""" return _mapscript.styleObj_setGeomTransform(self, transform)
[документация] def pattern_set(self, nListSize: "int") -> "void": r"""Python Only** Set the pattern for the style.""" return _mapscript.styleObj_pattern_set(self, nListSize)
[документация] def pattern_get(self) -> "void": r"""Python Only** Get the pattern for the style.""" return _mapscript.styleObj_pattern_get(self)
pattern = property(pattern_get, pattern_set, doc=r"""pattern : list **Python Only**""") # Register styleObj in _mapscript: _mapscript.styleObj_swigregister(styleObj) MS_STYLE_SINGLE_SIDED_OFFSET = _mapscript.MS_STYLE_SINGLE_SIDED_OFFSET MS_STYLE_DOUBLE_SIDED_OFFSET = _mapscript.MS_STYLE_DOUBLE_SIDED_OFFSET class labelLeaderObj(object): r"""The :ref:`LEADER <leader>` object""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr numstyles: "int" = property(_mapscript.labelLeaderObj_numstyles_get, doc=r""" Number of styles used""") maxdistance: "int" = property(_mapscript.labelLeaderObj_maxdistance_get, _mapscript.labelLeaderObj_maxdistance_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`MAXDISTANCE <mapfile-leader-maxdistance>`""") gridstep: "int" = property(_mapscript.labelLeaderObj_gridstep_get, _mapscript.labelLeaderObj_gridstep_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`GRIDSTEP <mapfile-leader-gridstep>`""")
[документация] def __init__(self): _mapscript.labelLeaderObj_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_labelLeaderObj())
__swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_labelLeaderObj # Register labelLeaderObj in _mapscript: _mapscript.labelLeaderObj_swigregister(labelLeaderObj) class labelObj(object): r"""The :ref:`LABEL <label>` object""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr refcount: "int" = property(_mapscript.labelObj_refcount_get) font: "char *" = property(_mapscript.labelObj_font_get, _mapscript.labelObj_font_set, doc=r""" Name of TrueType font see :ref:`FONT <mapfile-label-font>`""") color: "colorObj" = property(_mapscript.labelObj_color_get, _mapscript.labelObj_color_set, doc=r""" Foreground color - see :ref:`COLOR <mapfile-label-color>`""") outlinecolor: "colorObj" = property(_mapscript.labelObj_outlinecolor_get, _mapscript.labelObj_outlinecolor_set, doc=r""" Color of one point outline - see :ref:`OUTLINECOLOR <mapfile-label-outlinecolor>`""") outlinewidth: "int" = property(_mapscript.labelObj_outlinewidth_get, _mapscript.labelObj_outlinewidth_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`OUTLINEWIDTH <mapfile-label-outlinewidth>`""") shadowcolor: "colorObj" = property(_mapscript.labelObj_shadowcolor_get, _mapscript.labelObj_shadowcolor_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`SHADOWCOLOR <mapfile-label-shadowcolor>`""") shadowsizex: "int" = property(_mapscript.labelObj_shadowsizex_get, _mapscript.labelObj_shadowsizex_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`SHADOWSIZE <mapfile-label-shadowsize>`""") shadowsizey: "int" = property(_mapscript.labelObj_shadowsizey_get, _mapscript.labelObj_shadowsizey_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`SHADOWSIZE <mapfile-label-shadowsize>`""") size: "int" = property(_mapscript.labelObj_size_get, _mapscript.labelObj_size_set, doc=r""" Annotation height in pixels - see :ref:`SIZE <mapfile-label-size>`""") minsize: "int" = property(_mapscript.labelObj_minsize_get, _mapscript.labelObj_minsize_set, doc=r""" Minimum height in pixels - see :ref:`MINSIZE <mapfile-label-minsize>`""") maxsize: "int" = property(_mapscript.labelObj_maxsize_get, _mapscript.labelObj_maxsize_set, doc=r""" Maximum height in pixels for scaled labels. See :ref:`MAXSIZE <mapfile-label-maxsize>`""") position: "int" = property(_mapscript.labelObj_position_get, _mapscript.labelObj_position_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`POSTION <mapfile-label-position>`""") offsetx: "int" = property(_mapscript.labelObj_offsetx_get, _mapscript.labelObj_offsetx_set, doc=r""" Horizontal offset of label - see :ref:`OFFSET <mapfile-label-offset>`""") offsety: "int" = property(_mapscript.labelObj_offsety_get, _mapscript.labelObj_offsety_set, doc=r""" Vertical offset of label - see :ref:`OFFSET <mapfile-label-offset>`""") angle: "double" = property(_mapscript.labelObj_angle_get, _mapscript.labelObj_angle_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`ANGLE <mapfile-label-angle>`""") anglemode: "enum MS_POSITIONS_ENUM" = property(_mapscript.labelObj_anglemode_get, _mapscript.labelObj_anglemode_set, doc=r""" One of :data:`AUTO` :data:`AUTO2`, or :data:`FOLLOW` - see :ref:`ANGLE <mapfile-label-angle>`""") buffer: "int" = property(_mapscript.labelObj_buffer_get, _mapscript.labelObj_buffer_set, doc=r""" Space to reserve around a label (padding) - see :ref:`BUFFER <mapfile-label-buffer>`""") align: "int" = property(_mapscript.labelObj_align_get, _mapscript.labelObj_align_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`ALIGN <mapfile-label-align>`""") wrap: "char" = property(_mapscript.labelObj_wrap_get, _mapscript.labelObj_wrap_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`WRAP <mapfile-label-wrap>`""") maxlength: "int" = property(_mapscript.labelObj_maxlength_get, _mapscript.labelObj_maxlength_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`MAXLENGTH <mapfile-label-maxlength>`""") minlength: "int" = property(_mapscript.labelObj_minlength_get, _mapscript.labelObj_minlength_set, doc=r""" This is a valid Mapfile keyword but is currently unused""") space_size_10: "double" = property(_mapscript.labelObj_space_size_10_get, _mapscript.labelObj_space_size_10_set, doc=r""" Cached size of a single space character used for label text alignment of rfc40""") minfeaturesize: "int" = property(_mapscript.labelObj_minfeaturesize_get, _mapscript.labelObj_minfeaturesize_set, doc=r""" Minimum feature size (in pixels) to label, features of this size or greater will be labeled - see :ref:`MINFEATURESIZE <mapfile-label-minfeaturesize>` """) autominfeaturesize: "int" = property(_mapscript.labelObj_autominfeaturesize_get, _mapscript.labelObj_autominfeaturesize_set, doc=r""" :data:`MS_TRUE` or :data:`MS_FALSE`""") minscaledenom: "double" = property(_mapscript.labelObj_minscaledenom_get, _mapscript.labelObj_minscaledenom_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`MINSCALEDENOM <mapfile-label-minscaledenom>`""") maxscaledenom: "double" = property(_mapscript.labelObj_maxscaledenom_get, _mapscript.labelObj_maxscaledenom_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`MAXSCALEDENOM <mapfile-label-maxscaledenom>`""") mindistance: "int" = property(_mapscript.labelObj_mindistance_get, _mapscript.labelObj_mindistance_set, doc=r""" Minimum distance in pixels between duplicate labels - see :ref:`MINDISTANCE <mapfile-label-mindistance>`""") repeatdistance: "int" = property(_mapscript.labelObj_repeatdistance_get, _mapscript.labelObj_repeatdistance_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`REPEATDISTANCE <mapfile-label-repeatdistance>`""") maxoverlapangle: "double" = property(_mapscript.labelObj_maxoverlapangle_get, _mapscript.labelObj_maxoverlapangle_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`MAXOVERLAPANGLE <mapfile-label-maxoverlapangle>`""") partials: "int" = property(_mapscript.labelObj_partials_get, _mapscript.labelObj_partials_set, doc=r""" Indicates if labels can run off the edge of an image, either :data:`MS_TRUE` or :data:`MS_FALSE` (default) - see :ref:`PARTIALS <mapfile-label-partials>` """) force: "int" = property(_mapscript.labelObj_force_get, _mapscript.labelObj_force_set, doc=r""" Indicates if labels **must** be drawn - see :ref:`FORCE <mapfile-label-force>`""") encoding: "char *" = property(_mapscript.labelObj_encoding_get, _mapscript.labelObj_encoding_set, doc=r""" Supported encoding format to be used for labels - see :ref:`ENCODING <mapfile-label-encoding>`""") priority: "int" = property(_mapscript.labelObj_priority_get, _mapscript.labelObj_priority_set, doc=r""" Priority level 1 to :data:`MS_MAX_LABEL_PRIORITY`, default=1 - see :ref:`PRIORITY <mapfile-label-priority>`""") numstyles: "int" = property(_mapscript.labelObj_numstyles_get, _mapscript.labelObj_numstyles_set, doc=r""" The number of styles associated with the label""") sizeunits: "int" = property(_mapscript.labelObj_sizeunits_get, _mapscript.labelObj_sizeunits_set, doc=r""" Supersedes class's sizeunits, defaults to :data:`MS_INHERIT`.""")
[документация] def __init__(self): r""" Create a new :class:`labelObj`. A :class:`labelObj` is associated with a :class:`classObj` a :class:`scalebarObj` or a :class:`legendObj`. An instance of :class:`labelObj` can exist outside of a :class:`classObj` container and be explicitly inserted into the :class:`classObj`: >>> new_label = new labelObj() >>> the_class.addLabel(new_label) """ _mapscript.labelObj_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_labelObj())
__swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_labelObj
[документация] def updateFromString(self, snippet: "char *") -> "int": r""" Update a :class:`labelObj` from a string snippet. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE`""" return _mapscript.labelObj_updateFromString(self, snippet)
[документация] def convertToString(self) -> "char *": r""" Output the :class:`labelObj` object as a Mapfile string. Provides the inverse option for :func:`labelObj.updateFromString`.""" return _mapscript.labelObj_convertToString(self)
[документация] def removeBinding(self, binding: "int") -> "int": r""" Remove the attribute binding for a specified label property.""" return _mapscript.labelObj_removeBinding(self, binding)
[документация] def getBinding(self, binding: "int") -> "char *": r""" Get the attribute binding for a specified label property. Returns NULL if there is no binding for this property.""" return _mapscript.labelObj_getBinding(self, binding)
[документация] def setBinding(self, binding: "int", item: "char *") -> "int": r""" Set the attribute binding for a specified label property. Binding constants look like this: ``MS_LABEL_BINDING_[attribute name]``: >>> new_label.setBinding(MS_LABEL_BINDING_COLOR, "FIELD_NAME_COLOR") """ return _mapscript.labelObj_setBinding(self, binding, item)
[документация] def setExpression(self, expression: "char *") -> "int": r""" Set the label expression.""" return _mapscript.labelObj_setExpression(self, expression)
[документация] def getExpressionString(self) -> "char *": return _mapscript.labelObj_getExpressionString(self)
[документация] def setText(self, text: "char *") -> "int": r""" Set the label text.""" return _mapscript.labelObj_setText(self, text)
[документация] def getTextString(self) -> "char *": return _mapscript.labelObj_getTextString(self)
[документация] def getStyle(self, i: "int") -> "styleObj *": r""" Return a reference to the :class:`styleObj` at index *i* in the styles array.""" return _mapscript.labelObj_getStyle(self, i)
[документация] def insertStyle(self, style: "styleObj", index: "int"=-1) -> "int": r""" Insert a copy of style into the styles array at index *index*. Default is -1, or the end of the array. Returns the index at which the style was inserted. """ return _mapscript.labelObj_insertStyle(self, style, index)
[документация] def removeStyle(self, index: "int") -> "styleObj *": r""" Remove the styleObj at *index* from the styles array and return a copy.""" return _mapscript.labelObj_removeStyle(self, index)
[документация] def moveStyleUp(self, index: "int") -> "int": r""" Swap the styleObj at *index* with the styleObj index - 1.""" return _mapscript.labelObj_moveStyleUp(self, index)
[документация] def moveStyleDown(self, index: "int") -> "int": r""" Swap the styleObj at *index* with the styleObj index + 1.""" return _mapscript.labelObj_moveStyleDown(self, index)
# Register labelObj in _mapscript: _mapscript.labelObj_swigregister(labelObj) MS_LABEL_PERPENDICULAR_OFFSET = _mapscript.MS_LABEL_PERPENDICULAR_OFFSET MS_LABEL_PERPENDICULAR_TOP_OFFSET = _mapscript.MS_LABEL_PERPENDICULAR_TOP_OFFSET class classObj(object): r"""The :ref:`CLASS <class>` object. Used for symbolization and classification information.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr metadata: "hashTableObj" = property(_mapscript.classObj_metadata_get, doc=r""" see :ref:`METADATA <mapfile-class-metadata>`""") validation: "hashTableObj" = property(_mapscript.classObj_validation_get, doc=r""" see :ref:`VALIDATION <mapfile-class-validation>`""") numstyles: "int" = property(_mapscript.classObj_numstyles_get, doc=r""" number of styles for class""") numlabels: "int" = property(_mapscript.classObj_numlabels_get, doc=r""" number of labels for class""") refcount: "int" = property(_mapscript.classObj_refcount_get, doc=r""" number of references to this object""") layer: "struct layerObj *" = property(_mapscript.classObj_layer_get, doc=r""" reference to the parent layer""") leader: "labelLeaderObj *" = property(_mapscript.classObj_leader_get, doc=r""" see :ref:`LEADER <mapfile-class-leader>`""") status: "int" = property(_mapscript.classObj_status_get, _mapscript.classObj_status_set, doc=r""" :data:`MS_ON` or :data:`MS_OFF` - draw features of this class or do not - see :ref:`STATUS <mapfile-class-status>`""") isfallback: "int" = property(_mapscript.classObj_isfallback_get, _mapscript.classObj_isfallback_set, doc=r""" :data:`MS_TRUE` or :data:`MS_FALSE` use :data:`MS_TRUE` if this class should be applied if and only if no other class is applicable""") name: "char *" = property(_mapscript.classObj_name_get, _mapscript.classObj_name_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`NAME <mapfile-class-name>` should be unique within a layer""") title: "char *" = property(_mapscript.classObj_title_get, _mapscript.classObj_title_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`TITLE <mapfile-class-title>`""") minscaledenom: "double" = property(_mapscript.classObj_minscaledenom_get, _mapscript.classObj_minscaledenom_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`MINSCALEDENOM <mapfile-class-minscaledenom>`""") maxscaledenom: "double" = property(_mapscript.classObj_maxscaledenom_get, _mapscript.classObj_maxscaledenom_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`MAXSCALEDENOM <mapfile-CLASS-maxscaledenom>`""") minfeaturesize: "int" = property(_mapscript.classObj_minfeaturesize_get, _mapscript.classObj_minfeaturesize_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`MINFEATURESIZE <mapfile-class-minfeaturesize>` minimum feature size in pixels""") debug: "int" = property(_mapscript.classObj_debug_get, _mapscript.classObj_debug_set, doc=r""" :data:`MS_TRUE` or :data:`MS_FALSE` - see :ref:`DEBUG <mapfile-class-debug>`""") keyimage: "char *" = property(_mapscript.classObj_keyimage_get, _mapscript.classObj_keyimage_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`KEYIMAGE <mapfile-class-keyimage>`""") group: "char *" = property(_mapscript.classObj_group_get, _mapscript.classObj_group_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`GROUP <mapfile-class-group>`""") sizeunits: "int" = property(_mapscript.classObj_sizeunits_get, _mapscript.classObj_sizeunits_set, doc=r""" Supersedes layer's sizeunits and applies to all styles and labels - see :ref:`LAYER SIZEUNITS <mapfile-layer-sizeunits>`""") template: "char *" = property(_mapscript.classObj_template_get, _mapscript.classObj_template_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`TEMPLATE <mapfile-class-template>`""")
[документация] def __init__(self, layer: "layerObj"=None): r""" Create a new child classObj instance at the tail (highest index) of the class array of the parent_layer. A class can be created outside the context of a parent layer by omitting the layerObj constructor argument """ _mapscript.classObj_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_classObj(layer)) self.p_layer = None if layer: self.p_layer = layer
__swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_classObj
[документация] def updateFromString(self, snippet: "char *") -> "int": r""" Update a class from a string snippet. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE`""" return _mapscript.classObj_updateFromString(self, snippet)
[документация] def convertToString(self) -> "char *": r""" Output the CLASS as a Mapfile string""" return _mapscript.classObj_convertToString(self)
[документация] def clone(self) -> "classObj *": r""" Return an independent copy of the class without a parent layer""" return _mapscript.classObj_clone(self)
[документация] def setExpression(self, expression: "char *") -> "int": r""" Set :ref:`EXPRESSION <mapfile-class-expression>` string where `expression` is a MapServer regular, logical or string expression. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.classObj_setExpression(self, expression)
[документация] def getExpressionString(self) -> "char *": r""" Return a string representation of the :ref:`EXPRESSION <mapfile-class-expression>` enclosed in the quote characters appropriate to the expression type """ return _mapscript.classObj_getExpressionString(self)
[документация] def setText(self, text: "char *") -> "int": r""" Set :ref:`TEXT <mapfile-class-text>` string where `text` is a MapServer text expression. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.classObj_setText(self, text)
[документация] def getTextString(self) -> "char *": r""" Return a string representation of :ref:`TEXT <mapfile-class-text>`""" return _mapscript.classObj_getTextString(self)
[документация] def drawLegendIcon(self, map: "mapObj", layer: "layerObj", width: "int", height: "int", dstImage: "imageObj", dstX: "int", dstY: "int") -> "int": r""" Draw the legend icon onto *image* at *dstx*, *dsty*. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE`""" return _mapscript.classObj_drawLegendIcon(self, map, layer, width, height, dstImage, dstX, dstY)
[документация] def createLegendIcon(self, map: "mapObj", layer: "layerObj", width: "int", height: "int") -> "imageObj *": r""" Draw and return a new legend icon""" return _mapscript.classObj_createLegendIcon(self, map, layer, width, height)
[документация] def getLabel(self, i: "int") -> "labelObj *": r""" Return a reference to the :class:`labelObj` at *index* in the labels array""" return _mapscript.classObj_getLabel(self, i)
[документация] def addLabel(self, label: "labelObj") -> "int": r""" Add a :class:`labelObj` to the :class:`classObj` and return its index in the labels array""" return _mapscript.classObj_addLabel(self, label)
[документация] def removeLabel(self, index: "int") -> "labelObj *": r""" Remove the :class:`labelObj` at *index* from the labels array and return a reference to the :class:`labelObj`. numlabels is decremented, and the array is updated """ return _mapscript.classObj_removeLabel(self, index)
[документация] def getStyle(self, i: "int") -> "styleObj *": r""" Return a reference to the :class:`styleObj` at *index* in the styles array""" return _mapscript.classObj_getStyle(self, i)
[документация] def insertStyle(self, style: "styleObj", index: "int"=-1) -> "int": r""" Insert a **copy** of *style* into the styles array at index *index* Default is -1, or the end of the array. Returns the index at which the style was inserted. """ return _mapscript.classObj_insertStyle(self, style, index)
[документация] def removeStyle(self, index: "int") -> "styleObj *": r""" Remove the :class:`styleObj` at *index* from the styles array and return a copy.""" return _mapscript.classObj_removeStyle(self, index)
[документация] def moveStyleUp(self, index: "int") -> "int": r""" Swap the :class:`styleObj` at *index* with the styleObj at *index* - 1""" return _mapscript.classObj_moveStyleUp(self, index)
[документация] def moveStyleDown(self, index: "int") -> "int": r""" Swap the :class:`styleObj` at *index* with the :class:`styleObj` at *index* + 1""" return _mapscript.classObj_moveStyleDown(self, index)
# Register classObj in _mapscript: _mapscript.classObj_swigregister(classObj) class labelCacheMemberObj(object): r""" An individual feature label. The labelCacheMemberObj class is associated with labelCacheObj.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr numtextsymbols: "int" = property(_mapscript.labelCacheMemberObj_numtextsymbols_get, doc=r""" Number of text symbols found in textsymbols""") layerindex: "int" = property(_mapscript.labelCacheMemberObj_layerindex_get, doc=r""" The index of the layer of the labelled feature""") classindex: "int" = property(_mapscript.labelCacheMemberObj_classindex_get, doc=r""" Index of the class of the labelled feature""") status: "int" = property(_mapscript.labelCacheMemberObj_status_get, doc=r""" Has this label been drawn or not?""") markerid: "int" = property(_mapscript.labelCacheMemberObj_markerid_get, doc=r""" Corresponding marker (POINT layers only)""") point: "pointObj" = property(_mapscript.labelCacheMemberObj_point_get, doc=r""" Label point""") bbox: "rectObj" = property(_mapscript.labelCacheMemberObj_bbox_get, doc=r""" Bounds of the whole cachePtr. Individual text and symbol sub bounds are found in textsymbols""") leaderline: "lineObj *" = property(_mapscript.labelCacheMemberObj_leaderline_get, doc=r""" Leader lineObj""") leaderbbox: "rectObj *" = property(_mapscript.labelCacheMemberObj_leaderbbox_get, doc=r""" Leader rectObj""")
[документация] def __init__(self): _mapscript.labelCacheMemberObj_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_labelCacheMemberObj())
__swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_labelCacheMemberObj # Register labelCacheMemberObj in _mapscript: _mapscript.labelCacheMemberObj_swigregister(labelCacheMemberObj) class markerCacheMemberObj(object): r""" An individual marker. The markerCacheMemberObj class is associated with labelCacheObj.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr id: "int" = property(_mapscript.markerCacheMemberObj_id_get, doc=r""" Corresponding label""") bounds: "rectObj" = property(_mapscript.markerCacheMemberObj_bounds_get, doc=r""" Bounds of the markerCacheMemberObj""")
[документация] def __init__(self): _mapscript.markerCacheMemberObj_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_markerCacheMemberObj())
__swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_markerCacheMemberObj # Register markerCacheMemberObj in _mapscript: _mapscript.markerCacheMemberObj_swigregister(markerCacheMemberObj) class labelCacheSlotObj(object): r""" A cache slot to hold labels grouped by priority""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr numlabels: "int" = property(_mapscript.labelCacheSlotObj_numlabels_get, doc=r""" Number of label members""") cachesize: "int" = property(_mapscript.labelCacheSlotObj_cachesize_get, doc=r""" TODO""") nummarkers: "int" = property(_mapscript.labelCacheSlotObj_nummarkers_get, doc=r""" Number of marker members""") markercachesize: "int" = property(_mapscript.labelCacheSlotObj_markercachesize_get, doc=r""" TODO""") labels: "labelCacheMemberObj *" = property(_mapscript.labelCacheSlotObj_labels_get) markers: "markerCacheMemberObj *" = property(_mapscript.labelCacheSlotObj_markers_get)
[документация] def __init__(self): _mapscript.labelCacheSlotObj_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_labelCacheSlotObj())
__swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_labelCacheSlotObj # Register labelCacheSlotObj in _mapscript: _mapscript.labelCacheSlotObj_swigregister(labelCacheSlotObj) class labelCacheObj(object): r""" Set of a map's cached labels. Has no other existence other than as a labelcache attribute of a mapObj. Associated with labelCacheMemberObj and markerCacheMemberObj. """ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr num_rendered_members: "int" = property(_mapscript.labelCacheObj_num_rendered_members_get, doc=r""" Number of rendered labels""")
[документация] def freeCache(self) -> "void": r""" Free the labelCache""" return _mapscript.labelCacheObj_freeCache(self)
[документация] def __init__(self): _mapscript.labelCacheObj_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_labelCacheObj())
__swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_labelCacheObj # Register labelCacheObj in _mapscript: _mapscript.labelCacheObj_swigregister(labelCacheObj) class resultObj(object): r""" The result object is a handle, of sorts, for a feature of the layer""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr shapeindex: "long" = property(_mapscript.resultObj_shapeindex_get, doc=r""" The shape index of the result""") tileindex: "int" = property(_mapscript.resultObj_tileindex_get, doc=r""" The tile index of the result""") resultindex: "int" = property(_mapscript.resultObj_resultindex_get, doc=r""" The index of the result""") classindex: "int" = property(_mapscript.resultObj_classindex_get, doc=r""" The class index of the result""")
[документация] def __init__(self, shapeindex: "long"): r""" The result object is a handle, of sorts, for a feature of the layer, having ``shapeindex`` and ``tileindex`` attributes that can be used as arguments to ``getFeature`` """ _mapscript.resultObj_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_resultObj(shapeindex))
__swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_resultObj # Register resultObj in _mapscript: _mapscript.resultObj_swigregister(resultObj) class resultCacheObj(object): r""" A cached result object""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr numresults: "int" = property(_mapscript.resultCacheObj_numresults_get, doc=r""" Length of result set""") bounds: "rectObj" = property(_mapscript.resultCacheObj_bounds_get, doc=r""" Bounding box of query results""")
[документация] def getResult(self, i: "int") -> "resultObj *": r""" Returns the result at index i, like :meth:`layerObj.getResult`, or ``NULL`` if index is outside the range of results. """ return _mapscript.resultCacheObj_getResult(self, i)
[документация] def __init__(self): _mapscript.resultCacheObj_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_resultCacheObj())
__swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_resultCacheObj # Register resultCacheObj in _mapscript: _mapscript.resultCacheObj_swigregister(resultCacheObj) class symbolSetObj(object): r""" A :class:`symbolSetObj` is an attribute of a :class:`mapObj` and is associated with instances of :class:`symbolObj`.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr numsymbols: "int" = property(_mapscript.symbolSetObj_numsymbols_get, doc=r""" Number of symbols in the set""") maxsymbols: "int" = property(_mapscript.symbolSetObj_maxsymbols_get, doc=r""" Maximum number of allowed symbols""") filename: "char *" = property(_mapscript.symbolSetObj_filename_get, _mapscript.symbolSetObj_filename_set, doc=r""" Symbolset filename""") imagecachesize: "int" = property(_mapscript.symbolSetObj_imagecachesize_get, _mapscript.symbolSetObj_imagecachesize_set, doc=r""" Symbols in the cache""")
[документация] def __init__(self, symbolfile: "char const *"=None): r""" Create new :class:`symbolSetObj` instance. If symbolfile is specified, symbols will be loaded from the file. """ _mapscript.symbolSetObj_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_symbolSetObj(symbolfile))
__swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_symbolSetObj
[документация] def getSymbol(self, i: "int") -> "symbolObj *": r""" Returns a reference to the symbol at index.""" return _mapscript.symbolSetObj_getSymbol(self, i)
[документация] def getSymbolByName(self, symbolname: "char *") -> "symbolObj *": r""" Returns a reference to the symbol named name.""" return _mapscript.symbolSetObj_getSymbolByName(self, symbolname)
[документация] def index(self, symbolname: "char *") -> "int": r""" Return the index of the symbol named name or -1 in the case that no such symbol is found. """ return _mapscript.symbolSetObj_index(self, symbolname)
[документация] def appendSymbol(self, symbol: "symbolObj") -> "int": r""" Add a copy of symbol to the symbolset and return its index.""" return _mapscript.symbolSetObj_appendSymbol(self, symbol)
[документация] def removeSymbol(self, index: "int") -> "symbolObj *": r""" Remove the symbol at index and return a copy of the symbol.""" return _mapscript.symbolSetObj_removeSymbol(self, index)
[документация] def save(self, filename: "char const *") -> "int": r""" Save symbol set to a file. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE`""" return _mapscript.symbolSetObj_save(self, filename)
# Register symbolSetObj in _mapscript: _mapscript.symbolSetObj_swigregister(symbolSetObj) class referenceMapObj(object): r"""The :ref:`REFERENCE <reference>` object""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr map: "struct mapObj *" = property(_mapscript.referenceMapObj_map_get, doc=r""" Reference to parent :class:`mapObj`""") extent: "rectObj" = property(_mapscript.referenceMapObj_extent_get, _mapscript.referenceMapObj_extent_set, doc=r""" Spatial extent of reference in units of parent map - see :ref:`EXTENT <mapfile-reference-extent>`""") height: "int" = property(_mapscript.referenceMapObj_height_get, _mapscript.referenceMapObj_height_set, doc=r""" Height of reference map in pixels - see :ref:`SIZE <mapfile-reference-size>`""") width: "int" = property(_mapscript.referenceMapObj_width_get, _mapscript.referenceMapObj_width_set, doc=r""" Width of reference map in pixels - see :ref:`SIZE <mapfile-reference-size>`""") color: "colorObj" = property(_mapscript.referenceMapObj_color_get, _mapscript.referenceMapObj_color_set, doc=r""" Color of reference box - see :ref:`COLOR <mapfile-reference-color>`""") outlinecolor: "colorObj" = property(_mapscript.referenceMapObj_outlinecolor_get, _mapscript.referenceMapObj_outlinecolor_set, doc=r""" Outline color of reference box - see :ref:`OUTLINECOLOR <mapfile-reference-outlinecolor>`""") image: "char *" = property(_mapscript.referenceMapObj_image_get, _mapscript.referenceMapObj_image_set, doc=r""" Filename of reference map image - see :ref:`IMAGE <mapfile-reference-image>`""") status: "int" = property(_mapscript.referenceMapObj_status_get, _mapscript.referenceMapObj_status_set, doc=r""" :data:`MS_ON` or :data:`MS_OFF` - see :ref:`STATUS <mapfile-reference-status>`""") marker: "int" = property(_mapscript.referenceMapObj_marker_get, _mapscript.referenceMapObj_marker_set, doc=r""" Index of a symbol in the map symbol set to use for marker - see :ref:`MARKER <mapfile-reference-marker>`""") markername: "char *" = property(_mapscript.referenceMapObj_markername_get, _mapscript.referenceMapObj_markername_set, doc=r""" Name of a symbol - see :ref:`MARKERNAME <mapfile-reference-markername>`""") markersize: "int" = property(_mapscript.referenceMapObj_markersize_get, _mapscript.referenceMapObj_markersize_set, doc=r""" Size of marker - see :ref:`MARKERSIZE <mapfile-reference-markersize>`""") minboxsize: "int" = property(_mapscript.referenceMapObj_minboxsize_get, _mapscript.referenceMapObj_minboxsize_set, doc=r""" In pixels - see :ref:`MINBOXSIZE <mapfile-reference-minboxsize>`""") maxboxsize: "int" = property(_mapscript.referenceMapObj_maxboxsize_get, _mapscript.referenceMapObj_maxboxsize_set, doc=r""" In pixels - see :ref:`MAXBOXSIZE <mapfile-reference-maxboxsize>`""")
[документация] def updateFromString(self, snippet: "char *") -> "int": r""" Update a reference map from a string snippet. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.referenceMapObj_updateFromString(self, snippet)
[документация] def convertToString(self) -> "char *": r""" Saves the object to a string. Provides the inverse option for :func:`referenceMapObj.updateFromString`.""" return _mapscript.referenceMapObj_convertToString(self)
[документация] def __init__(self): _mapscript.referenceMapObj_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_referenceMapObj())
__swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_referenceMapObj # Register referenceMapObj in _mapscript: _mapscript.referenceMapObj_swigregister(referenceMapObj) class scalebarObj(object): r""" The :ref:`SCALEBAR <scalebar>` object""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr imagecolor: "colorObj" = property(_mapscript.scalebarObj_imagecolor_get, _mapscript.scalebarObj_imagecolor_set, doc=r""" Background color of scalebar - see :ref:`IMAGECOLOR <mapfile-scalebar-imagecolor>`""") height: "int" = property(_mapscript.scalebarObj_height_get, _mapscript.scalebarObj_height_set, doc=r""" Height in pixels - see :ref:`SIZE <mapfile-scalebar-size>`""") width: "int" = property(_mapscript.scalebarObj_width_get, _mapscript.scalebarObj_width_set, doc=r""" Height in pixels - see :ref:`SIZE <mapfile-scalebar-size>`""") style: "int" = property(_mapscript.scalebarObj_style_get, _mapscript.scalebarObj_style_set, doc=r""" 0 or 1 - see :ref:`STYLE <mapfile-scalebar-style>`""") intervals: "int" = property(_mapscript.scalebarObj_intervals_get, _mapscript.scalebarObj_intervals_set, doc=r""" Number of intervals - see :ref:`INTERVALS <mapfile-scalebar-intervals>`""") label: "labelObj" = property(_mapscript.scalebarObj_label_get, _mapscript.scalebarObj_label_set, doc=r""" Scalebar label - see :ref:`LABEL <mapfile-scalebar-label>`""") color: "colorObj" = property(_mapscript.scalebarObj_color_get, _mapscript.scalebarObj_color_set, doc=r""" Scalebar foreground color - see :ref:`COLOR <mapfile-scalebar-color>`""") backgroundcolor: "colorObj" = property(_mapscript.scalebarObj_backgroundcolor_get, _mapscript.scalebarObj_backgroundcolor_set, doc=r""" Scalebar background color - see :ref:`BACKGROUNDCOLOR <mapfile-scalebar-backgroundcolor>`""") outlinecolor: "colorObj" = property(_mapscript.scalebarObj_outlinecolor_get, _mapscript.scalebarObj_outlinecolor_set, doc=r""" Foreground outline color - see :ref:`OUTLINECOLOR <mapfile-scalebar-outlinecolor>`""") units: "int" = property(_mapscript.scalebarObj_units_get, _mapscript.scalebarObj_units_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`UNITS <mapfile-scalebar-units>`""") status: "int" = property(_mapscript.scalebarObj_status_get, _mapscript.scalebarObj_status_set, doc=r""" ON, OFF or EMBED - see :ref:`STATUS <mapfile-scalebar-status>` - :data:`MS_ON`, :data:`MS_OFF`, or :data:`MS_EMBED`.""") position: "int" = property(_mapscript.scalebarObj_position_get, _mapscript.scalebarObj_position_set, doc=r""" For embeded scalebars - see :ref:`POSITION <mapfile-scalebar-position>` - :data:`MS_UL`, :data:`MS_UC`, :data:`MS_UR`, :data:`MS_LL`, :data:`MS_LC`, or :data:`MS_LR` """) postlabelcache: "int" = property(_mapscript.scalebarObj_postlabelcache_get, _mapscript.scalebarObj_postlabelcache_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`POSTLABELCACHE <mapfile-scalebar-postlabelcache>` - :data:`MS_TRUE` or :data:`MS_FALSE`""") align: "int" = property(_mapscript.scalebarObj_align_get, _mapscript.scalebarObj_align_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`ALIGN <mapfile-scalebar-align>`""") offsetx: "int" = property(_mapscript.scalebarObj_offsetx_get, _mapscript.scalebarObj_offsetx_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`OFFSET <mapfile-scalebar-offset>`""") offsety: "int" = property(_mapscript.scalebarObj_offsety_get, _mapscript.scalebarObj_offsety_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`OFFSET <mapfile-scalebar-offset>`""")
[документация] def updateFromString(self, snippet: "char *") -> "int": r""" Update a scalebar from a string snippet. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.scalebarObj_updateFromString(self, snippet)
[документация] def convertToString(self) -> "char *": r""" Saves the object to a string. Provides the inverse option for updateFromString.""" return _mapscript.scalebarObj_convertToString(self)
[документация] def __init__(self): _mapscript.scalebarObj_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_scalebarObj())
__swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_scalebarObj # Register scalebarObj in _mapscript: _mapscript.scalebarObj_swigregister(scalebarObj) class legendObj(object): r""" The :ref:`LEGEND <legend>` object""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr label: "labelObj" = property(_mapscript.legendObj_label_get, doc=r""" See :ref:`LABEL <mapfile-legend-label>`""") map: "struct mapObj *" = property(_mapscript.legendObj_map_get, doc=r""" Instances of legendObj are always are always embedded inside the mapObj""") imagecolor: "colorObj" = property(_mapscript.legendObj_imagecolor_get, _mapscript.legendObj_imagecolor_set, doc=r""" Legend background color - see :ref:`IMAGECOLOR <mapfile-legend-imagecolor>`""") keysizex: "int" = property(_mapscript.legendObj_keysizex_get, _mapscript.legendObj_keysizex_set, doc=r""" Width in pixels of legend keys - see :ref:`KEYSIZE <mapfile-legend-keysize>`""") keysizey: "int" = property(_mapscript.legendObj_keysizey_get, _mapscript.legendObj_keysizey_set, doc=r""" Height in pixels of legend keys - see :ref:`KEYSIZE <mapfile-legend-keysize>`""") keyspacingx: "int" = property(_mapscript.legendObj_keyspacingx_get, _mapscript.legendObj_keyspacingx_set, doc=r""" Horizontal padding around keys in pixels - see :ref:`KEYSPACING <mapfile-legend-keyspacing>`""") keyspacingy: "int" = property(_mapscript.legendObj_keyspacingy_get, _mapscript.legendObj_keyspacingy_set, doc=r""" Vertical padding around keys in pixels - see :ref:`KEYSPACING <mapfile-legend-keyspacing>`""") outlinecolor: "colorObj" = property(_mapscript.legendObj_outlinecolor_get, _mapscript.legendObj_outlinecolor_set, doc=r""" Key outline color, -1 for no outline - see :ref:`OUTLINECOLOR <mapfile-legend-outlinecolor>`""") status: "int" = property(_mapscript.legendObj_status_get, _mapscript.legendObj_status_set, doc=r""" :data:`MS_ON`, :data:`MS_OFF` or :data:`MS_EMBED`- see :ref:`STATUS <mapfile-legend-status>`""") height: "int" = property(_mapscript.legendObj_height_get, _mapscript.legendObj_height_set, doc=r""" Legend height""") width: "int" = property(_mapscript.legendObj_width_get, _mapscript.legendObj_width_set, doc=r""" Legend width""") position: "int" = property(_mapscript.legendObj_position_get, _mapscript.legendObj_position_set, doc=r""" Used for embedded legends, see :ref:`POSITION <mapfile-legend-position>`""") postlabelcache: "int" = property(_mapscript.legendObj_postlabelcache_get, _mapscript.legendObj_postlabelcache_set, doc=r""" :data:`MS_TRUE`, :data:`MS_FALSE` - see :ref:`POSTLABELCACHE <mapfile-legend-postlabelcache>`""") template: "char *" = property(_mapscript.legendObj_template_get, _mapscript.legendObj_template_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`TEMPLATE <mapfile-legend-template>`""")
[документация] def updateFromString(self, snippet: "char *") -> "int": r""" Update a :class:`legendObj` from a string snippet. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE`""" return _mapscript.legendObj_updateFromString(self, snippet)
[документация] def convertToString(self) -> "char *": r""" Output the :class:`legendObj` object as a Mapfile string. Provides the inverse option for :func:`legendObj.updateFromString`.""" return _mapscript.legendObj_convertToString(self)
[документация] def __init__(self): _mapscript.legendObj_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_legendObj())
__swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_legendObj # Register legendObj in _mapscript: _mapscript.legendObj_swigregister(legendObj) class imageObj(object): r"""An image object is a wrapper for images generated by MapServer.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr width: "int" = property(_mapscript.imageObj_width_get, doc=r""" image width in pixels""") height: "int" = property(_mapscript.imageObj_height_get, doc=r""" image height in pixels""") resolution: "double" = property(_mapscript.imageObj_resolution_get, doc=r""" image resolution in pixels per inch""") resolutionfactor: "double" = property(_mapscript.imageObj_resolutionfactor_get, doc=r""" resolution factor""") imagepath: "char *" = property(_mapscript.imageObj_imagepath_get, doc=r""" if image is drawn by :func:`mapObj.draw` this is :ref:`IMAGEPATH <mapfile-web-imagepath>`""") imageurl: "char *" = property(_mapscript.imageObj_imageurl_get, doc=r""" if image is drawn by :func:`mapObj.draw` this is :ref:`IMAGEURL <mapfile-web-imageurl>`""") format: "outputFormatObj *" = property(_mapscript.imageObj_format_get, doc=r""" an :class:`outputFormatObj` representing the output format of the image""")
[документация] def __init__(self, *args): r""" Create a new :class:`imageObj` instance. If *filename* is specified, an imageObj is created from the file and any specified *width*, *height*, and *format* parameters will be overridden by values of the image in *filename*. Otherwise, if *format* is specified (as an :class:`outputFormatObj`) an imageObj is created using that format. If *filename* is not specified, then *width* and *height* should be specified. The default resolution is currently 72 and defined by :data:`MS_DEFAULT_RESOLUTION` - this setting is not available in MapScript. """ _mapscript.imageObj_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_imageObj(*args))
__swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_imageObj
[документация] def save(self, filename: "char *", map: "mapObj"=None) -> "void": r""" Save image to filename. The optional map parameter must be specified if saving GeoTIFF images. """ return _mapscript.imageObj_save(self, filename, map)
[документация] def getBytes(self) -> "gdBuffer": r""" Returns the image contents as a binary buffer. The exact form of this buffer will vary by MapScript language (e.g. a string in Python, byte[] array in Java and C#, unhandled in Perl) """ return _mapscript.imageObj_getBytes(self)
[документация] def getSize(self) -> "int": r""" Returns the size of the binary buffer representing the image buffer .. note:: The getSize method is inefficient as it does a call to getBytes and then computes the size of the byte array. The byte array is then immediately discarded. In most cases it is more efficient to call getBytes directly. """ return _mapscript.imageObj_getSize(self)
[документация] def write(self, *args) -> "int": r""" Write image data to an open file handle. Replaces the removed saveToString function. See ``python/pyextend.i`` for the Python specific version of this method. """ return _mapscript.imageObj_write(self, *args)
# Register imageObj in _mapscript: _mapscript.imageObj_swigregister(imageObj) class scaleTokenEntryObj(object): r""" An individual value within the :ref:`SCALETOKEN <mapfile-layer-scaletoken>` object""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr minscale: "double" = property(_mapscript.scaleTokenEntryObj_minscale_get, _mapscript.scaleTokenEntryObj_minscale_set, doc=r""" The minimum scale for the replacement""") maxscale: "double" = property(_mapscript.scaleTokenEntryObj_maxscale_get, _mapscript.scaleTokenEntryObj_maxscale_set, doc=r""" The maximum scale for the replacement""") value: "char *" = property(_mapscript.scaleTokenEntryObj_value_get, _mapscript.scaleTokenEntryObj_value_set, doc=r""" The token replacement value""")
[документация] def __init__(self): _mapscript.scaleTokenEntryObj_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_scaleTokenEntryObj())
__swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_scaleTokenEntryObj # Register scaleTokenEntryObj in _mapscript: _mapscript.scaleTokenEntryObj_swigregister(scaleTokenEntryObj) class scaleTokenObj(object): r""" The :ref:`SCALETOKEN <mapfile-layer-scaletoken>` object""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr name: "char *" = property(_mapscript.scaleTokenObj_name_get, _mapscript.scaleTokenObj_name_set, doc=r""" The name of the token to replace in the :ref:`DATA <mapfile-layer-data>` statement""") n_entries: "int" = property(_mapscript.scaleTokenObj_n_entries_get, _mapscript.scaleTokenObj_n_entries_set, doc=r""" The number of values within the scaletoken""") tokens: "scaleTokenEntryObj *" = property(_mapscript.scaleTokenObj_tokens_get, _mapscript.scaleTokenObj_tokens_set, doc=r""" A reference to the values""")
[документация] def __init__(self): _mapscript.scaleTokenObj_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_scaleTokenObj())
__swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_scaleTokenObj # Register scaleTokenObj in _mapscript: _mapscript.scaleTokenObj_swigregister(scaleTokenObj) class layerObj(object): r""" The :ref:`LAYER <layer>` object""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr refcount: "int" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_refcount_get, doc=r""" reference counting, RFC24""") numclasses: "int" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_numclasses_get, doc=r""" Number of layer classes""") maxclasses: "int" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_maxclasses_get, doc=r""" Used to track of the maximum number of classes - see RFC-17""") index: "int" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_index_get, doc=r""" Index of layer within parent map's layers array""") map: "struct mapObj *" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_map_get, doc=r""" Reference to parent map""") numitems: "int" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_numitems_get, doc=r""" Number of layer feature attributes (items)""") metadata: "hashTableObj" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_metadata_get, doc=r""" See :ref:`METADATA <mapfile-layer-metadata>`""") validation: "hashTableObj" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_validation_get, doc=r""" See :ref:`VALIDATION <mapfile-layer-validation>`""") bindvals: "hashTableObj" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_bindvals_get, doc=r""" Relates to RFC59""") connectionoptions: "hashTableObj" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_connectionoptions_get, doc=r""" See :ref:`CONNECTIONOPTIONS <mapfile-layer-connectionoptions>`""") cluster: "clusterObj" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_cluster_get, doc=r""" See :ref:`CLUSTER <mapfile-layer-cluster>`""") extent: "rectObj" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_extent_get, doc=r""" optional limiting extent for layer features - see :ref:`EXTENT <mapfile-layer-extent>`""") numprocessing: "int" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_numprocessing_get, doc=r""" Number of raster processing directives""") numjoins: "int" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_numjoins_get, doc=r""" Number of layer joins""") utfdata: "expressionObj" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_utfdata_get, doc=r""" See :ref:`UTFDATA <mapfile-layer-utfdata>`""") compositer: "LayerCompositer *" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_compositer_get, doc=r""" See :ref:`COMPOSITE <mapfile-layer-composite>`""") classitem: "char *" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_classitem_get, _mapscript.layerObj_classitem_set, doc=r""" the attribute used to classify layer data - see :ref:`CLASSITEM <mapfile-layer-classitem>`""") header: "char *" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_header_get, _mapscript.layerObj_header_set, doc=r""" filename to a template for result's header - see :ref:`HEADER <mapfile-layer-header>`""") footer: "char *" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_footer_get, _mapscript.layerObj_footer_set, doc=r""" filename to a template for result's footer - see :ref:`FOOTER <mapfile-layer-footer>`""") template: "char *" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_template_get, _mapscript.layerObj_template_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`TEMPLATE <mapfile-layer-template>` - global template, used across all classes""") name: "char *" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_name_get, _mapscript.layerObj_name_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`NAME <mapfile-layer-name>` - should be unique""") group: "char *" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_group_get, _mapscript.layerObj_group_set, doc=r""" Name of a group of layers - see :ref:`GROUP <mapfile-layer-group>`""") status: "int" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_status_get, _mapscript.layerObj_status_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`STATUS <mapfile-layer-status>`:data:`MS_ON`, :data:`MS_OFF` or :data:`MS_DEFAULT`""") rendermode: "enum MS_RENDER_MODE" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_rendermode_get, _mapscript.layerObj_rendermode_set, doc=r""" :data:`MS_FIRST_MATCHING_CLASS` - default and historic MapServer behavior, :data:`MS_ALL_MATCHING_CLASSES` - SLD behavior""") data: "char *" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_data_get, _mapscript.layerObj_data_set, doc=r""" Layer data definition, values depend upon connectiontype - see :ref:`DATA <mapfile-layer-data>`""") type: "enum MS_LAYER_TYPE" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_type_get, _mapscript.layerObj_type_set, doc=r""" the layer type - see :ref:`TYPE <mapfile-layer-type>`""") connectiontype: "enum MS_CONNECTION_TYPE" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_connectiontype_get, _mapscript.layerObj_connectiontype_set, doc=r""" the layer connection type - see :ref:`CONNECTIONTYPE <mapfile-layer-connectiontype>`""") tolerance: "double" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_tolerance_get, _mapscript.layerObj_tolerance_set, doc=r""" search buffer for point and line queries (in toleranceunits) - see :ref:`TOLERANCE <mapfile-layer-tolerance>`""") toleranceunits: "int" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_toleranceunits_get, _mapscript.layerObj_toleranceunits_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`TOLERANCEUNITS <mapfile-layer-toleranceunits>`""") symbolscaledenom: "double" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_symbolscaledenom_get, _mapscript.layerObj_symbolscaledenom_set, doc=r""" scale at which symbols are default size - see :ref:`SYMBOLSCALEDENOM <mapfile-layer-symbolscaledenom>`""") minscaledenom: "double" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_minscaledenom_get, _mapscript.layerObj_minscaledenom_set, doc=r""" Maximum scale at which layer will be drawn - see :ref:`MINSCALEDENOM <mapfile-layer-minscaledenom>`""") maxscaledenom: "double" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_maxscaledenom_get, _mapscript.layerObj_maxscaledenom_set, doc=r""" Minimum scale at which layer will be drawn - see :ref:`MAXSCALEDENOM <mapfile-layer-maxscaledenom>`""") minfeaturesize: "int" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_minfeaturesize_get, _mapscript.layerObj_minfeaturesize_set, doc=r""" minimum feature size (in pixels) for shape""") labelminscaledenom: "double" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_labelminscaledenom_get, _mapscript.layerObj_labelminscaledenom_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`LABELMINSCALEDENOM <mapfile-layer-labelminscaledenom>`""") labelmaxscaledenom: "double" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_labelmaxscaledenom_get, _mapscript.layerObj_labelmaxscaledenom_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`LABELMAXSCALEDENOM <mapfile-layer-labelmaxscaledenom>`""") mingeowidth: "double" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_mingeowidth_get, _mapscript.layerObj_mingeowidth_set, doc=r""" min map width (in map units) at which the layer should be drawn - see :ref:`MAXGEOWIDTH <mapfile-layer-maxgeowidth>`""") maxgeowidth: "double" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_maxgeowidth_get, _mapscript.layerObj_maxgeowidth_set, doc=r""" max map width (in map units) at which the layer should be drawn - see :ref:`MAXGEOWIDTH <mapfile-layer-maxgeowidth>`""") sizeunits: "int" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_sizeunits_get, _mapscript.layerObj_sizeunits_set, doc=r""" applies to all classes - see :ref:`SIZEUNITES <mapfile-layer-sizeunits>`""") maxfeatures: "int" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_maxfeatures_get, _mapscript.layerObj_maxfeatures_set, doc=r""" Maximum number of layer features that will be drawn - see :ref:`MAXFEATURES <mapfile-layer-maxfeatures>`""") startindex: "int" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_startindex_get, _mapscript.layerObj_startindex_set, doc=r""" Feature start index - used for paging""") offsite: "colorObj" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_offsite_get, _mapscript.layerObj_offsite_set, doc=r""" transparent pixel value for raster images - see :ref:`OFFSITE <mapfile-layer-offsite>`""") transform: "int" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_transform_get, _mapscript.layerObj_transform_set, doc=r""" :data:`MS_TRUE` (default) or :data:`MS_FALSE` whether or not layer data is to be transformed to image units - see :ref:`TRANSFORM <mapfile-layer-transform>` """) labelcache: "int" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_labelcache_get, _mapscript.layerObj_labelcache_set, doc=r""" :data:`MS_ON` (default) or :data:`MS_OFF` - see :ref:`LABELCACHE <mapfile-layer-labelcache>`""") postlabelcache: "int" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_postlabelcache_get, _mapscript.layerObj_postlabelcache_set, doc=r""" :data:`MS_ON` or :data:`MS_OFF` (default) - see :ref:`POSTLABELCACHE <mapfile-layer-postlabelcache>`""") labelitem: "char *" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_labelitem_get, _mapscript.layerObj_labelitem_set, doc=r""" attribute defining feature label text - see :ref:`LABELITEM <mapfile-layer-labelitem>`""") tileitem: "char *" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_tileitem_get, _mapscript.layerObj_tileitem_set, doc=r""" attribute defining tile paths - see :ref:`TILEITEM <mapfile-layer-tileitem>`""") tileindex: "char *" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_tileindex_get, _mapscript.layerObj_tileindex_set, doc=r""" layer index file for tiling support - see :ref:`TILEINDEX <mapfile-layer-tileindex>`""") tilesrs: "char *" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_tilesrs_get, _mapscript.layerObj_tilesrs_set, doc=r""" name of the attribute that contains the SRS of an individual tile - see :ref:`TILESRS <mapfile-layer-tilesrs>`""") units: "int" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_units_get, _mapscript.layerObj_units_set, doc=r""" units of the layer - see :ref:`UNITS <mapfile-layer-units>`""") connection: "char *" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_connection_get, _mapscript.layerObj_connection_set, doc=r""" layer connection or data source name - see :ref:`CONNECTION <mapfile-layer-connection>`""") plugin_library: "char *" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_plugin_library_get, _mapscript.layerObj_plugin_library_set, doc=r""" Used to select the library to load by MapServer""") plugin_library_original: "char *" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_plugin_library_original_get, _mapscript.layerObj_plugin_library_original_set, doc=r""" this is needed for Mapfile writing""") bandsitem: "char *" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_bandsitem_get, _mapscript.layerObj_bandsitem_set, doc=r""" The attribute from the index file used to select the source raster band(s) to be used - normally NULL for default bands processing """) filteritem: "char *" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_filteritem_get, _mapscript.layerObj_filteritem_set, doc=r""" Attribute defining filter - see :ref:`FILTERITEM <mapfile-layer-filteritem>`""") styleitem: "char *" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_styleitem_get, _mapscript.layerObj_styleitem_set, doc=r""" item to be used for style lookup - can also be 'AUTO' - see :ref:`STYLEITEM <mapfile-layer-styleitem>`""") requires: "char *" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_requires_get, _mapscript.layerObj_requires_set, doc=r""" Context expressions, simple enough to not use expressionObj - see :ref:`REQUIRES <mapfile-layer-requires>`""") labelrequires: "char *" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_labelrequires_get, _mapscript.layerObj_labelrequires_set, doc=r""" Simple logical expression - see :ref:`LABELREQUIRES <mapfile-layer-labelrequires>`""") debug: "int" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_debug_get, _mapscript.layerObj_debug_set, doc=r""" Enable debugging of layer- :data:`MS_ON` or :data:`MS_OFF` (default) - see :ref:`DEBUG <mapfile-layer-debug>`""") classgroup: "char *" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_classgroup_get, _mapscript.layerObj_classgroup_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`CLASSGROUP <mapfile-layer-classgroup>`""") mask: "char *" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_mask_get, _mapscript.layerObj_mask_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`MASK <mapfile-layer-mask>`""") encoding: "char *" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_encoding_get, _mapscript.layerObj_encoding_set, doc=r""" For iconving shape attributes, ignored if NULL or "utf-8" - see :ref:`ENCODING <mapfile-layer-encoding>`""") utfitem: "char *" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_utfitem_get, _mapscript.layerObj_utfitem_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`UTFITEM <mapfile-layer-utfitem>`""") utfitemindex: "int" = property(_mapscript.layerObj_utfitemindex_get, _mapscript.layerObj_utfitemindex_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`CLASSITEM <mapfile-layer-classitem>`""")
[документация] def __init__(self, map: "mapObj"=None): r""" A :class:`layerObj` is associated with :class:`mapObj`. An instance of :class:`layerObj` can exist outside of a :class:`mapObj` """ _mapscript.layerObj_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_layerObj(map)) self.p_map = None if map: self.p_map = map
[документация] def setOpacity(self, opacity: "int") -> "void": r""" Sets an opacity for the layer, where the value is an integer in range [0, 100]. A new :ref:`composite` block is generated, containing this ``OPACITY`` value. """ return _mapscript.layerObj_setOpacity(self, opacity)
[документация] def getOpacity(self) -> "int": r""" Returns the opacity value for the layer.""" return _mapscript.layerObj_getOpacity(self)
__swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_layerObj
[документация] def clone(self) -> "layerObj *": r""" Return an independent copy of the layer with no parent map.""" return _mapscript.layerObj_clone(self)
[документация] def updateFromString(self, snippet: "char *") -> "int": r""" Update a :class:`layerObj` from a string snippet. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE`""" return _mapscript.layerObj_updateFromString(self, snippet)
[документация] def convertToString(self) -> "char *": r""" Output the :class:`layerObj` object as a Mapfile string. Provides the inverse option for :func:`layerObj.updateFromString`.""" return _mapscript.layerObj_convertToString(self)
[документация] def insertClass(*args): actualIndex=_mapscript.layerObj_insertClass(*args) args[1].p_layer=args[0] return actualIndex
[документация] def removeClass(self, index: "int") -> "classObj *": r""" Removes the class at *index* and returns a copy, or NULL in the case of a failure. Note that subsequent classes will be renumbered by this operation. The numclasses field contains the number of classes available. """ return _mapscript.layerObj_removeClass(self, index)
[документация] def open(self) -> "int": r""" Opens the underlying layer. This is required before operations like :func:`layerObj.getResult` will work, but is not required before a draw or query call. """ return _mapscript.layerObj_open(self)
[документация] def whichShapes(self, rect: "rectObj") -> "int": r""" Performs a spatial, and optionally an attribute based feature search. The function basically prepares things so that candidate features can be accessed by query or drawing functions (e.g using :func:`layerObj.nextShape` function). Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS`, :data:`MS_FAILURE` or :data:`MS_DONE`. MS_DONE is returned if the layer extent does not overlap *rect*. """ return _mapscript.layerObj_whichShapes(self, rect)
[документация] def nextShape(self) -> "shapeObj *": r""" Called after :func:`layerObj.whichShapes` has been called to actually retrieve shapes within a given area returns a shape object or :data:`MS_FALSE` Example of usage: .. code-block:: mapObj map = new mapObj("d:/msapps/gmap-ms40/htdocs/gmap75.map"); layerObj layer = map.getLayerByName('road'); int status = layer.open(); status = layer.whichShapes(map.extent); shapeObj shape; while ((shape = layer.nextShape()) != null) { ... } layer.close(); """ return _mapscript.layerObj_nextShape(self)
[документация] def close(self) -> "void": r""" Close the underlying layer.""" return _mapscript.layerObj_close(self)
[документация] def getShape(self, record: "resultObj") -> "shapeObj *": r""" Get a shape from layer data. Argument is a result cache member from :func:`layerObj.getResult`""" return _mapscript.layerObj_getShape(self, record)
[документация] def getNumResults(self) -> "int": r""" Returns the number of entries in the query result cache for this layer.""" return _mapscript.layerObj_getNumResults(self)
[документация] def getResultsBounds(self) -> "rectObj *": r""" Returns the bounds of the features in the result cache.""" return _mapscript.layerObj_getResultsBounds(self)
[документация] def getResult(self, i: "int") -> "resultObj *": r""" Fetches the requested query result cache entry, or NULL if the index is outside the range of available results. This method would normally only be used after issuing a query operation. """ return _mapscript.layerObj_getResult(self, i)
[документация] def getClass(*args): clazz = _mapscript.layerObj_getClass(*args) if clazz: if args and len(args)!=0: clazz.p_layer=args[0] else: clazz.p_layer=None return clazz
[документация] def getItem(self, i: "int") -> "char *": r""" Returns the requested item. Items are attribute fields, and this method returns the item name (field name). The numitems field contains the number of items available, and the first item is index zero. """ return _mapscript.layerObj_getItem(self, i)
[документация] def setItems(self, items: "char **", numitems: "int") -> "int": r""" Set the items to be retrieved with a particular shape.""" return _mapscript.layerObj_setItems(self, items, numitems)
[документация] def draw(self, map: "mapObj", image: "imageObj") -> "int": r""" Renders this layer into the target image, adding labels to the cache if required. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE`. """ return _mapscript.layerObj_draw(self, map, image)
[документация] def drawQuery(self, map: "mapObj", image: "imageObj") -> "int": r""" Draw query map for a single layer into the target image. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE`. """ return _mapscript.layerObj_drawQuery(self, map, image)
[документация] def queryByFilter(self, map: "mapObj", string: "char *") -> "int": r""" Query by the filter *string*. For querying, we switch layer status ON and then back to original value before returning. """ return _mapscript.layerObj_queryByFilter(self, map, string)
[документация] def queryByAttributes(self, map: "mapObj", qitem: "char *", qstring: "char *", mode: "int") -> "int": r""" Query layer for shapes that intersect current map extents. *qitem* is the item (attribute) on which the query is performed, and *qstring* is the expression to match. The query is performed on all the shapes that are part of a CLASS that contains a TEMPLATE value or that match any class in a layer that contains a LAYER TEMPLATE value. Note that the layer's FILTER/FILTERITEM are ignored by this function. *mode* is :data:`MS_SINGLE` or :data:`MS_MULTIPLE` depending on number of results you want. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` if shapes were found or :data:`MS_FAILURE` if nothing was found or if some other error happened. """ return _mapscript.layerObj_queryByAttributes(self, map, qitem, qstring, mode)
[документация] def queryByPoint(self, map: "mapObj", point: "pointObj", mode: "int", buffer: "double") -> "int": r""" Query layer at point location specified in georeferenced map coordinates (i.e. not pixels). The query is performed on all the shapes that are part of a CLASS that contains a TEMPLATE value or that match any class in a layer that contains a LAYER TEMPLATE value. Note that the layer's FILTER/FILTERITEM are ignored by this function. *mode* is :data:`MS_SINGLE` or :data:`MS_MULTIPLE` depending on number of results you want. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` if shapes were found or :data:`MS_FAILURE` if nothing was found or if some other error happened. """ return _mapscript.layerObj_queryByPoint(self, map, point, mode, buffer)
[документация] def queryByRect(self, map: "mapObj", rect: "rectObj") -> "int": r""" Query layer using a rectangle specified in georeferenced map coordinates (i.e. not pixels). The query is performed on all the shapes that are part of a CLASS that contains a TEMPLATE value or that match any class in a layer that contains a LAYER TEMPLATE value. Note that the layer's FILTER/FILTERITEM are ignored by this function. The :data:`MS_MULTIPLE` mode is set by default. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` if shapes were found or :data:`MS_FAILURE` if nothing was found or if some other error happened. """ return _mapscript.layerObj_queryByRect(self, map, rect)
[документация] def queryByFeatures(self, map: "mapObj", slayer: "int") -> "int": r""" Perform a query set based on a previous set of results from another layer. At present the results MUST be based on a polygon layer. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` if shapes were found or :data:`MS_FAILURE` if nothing was found or if some other error happened. """ return _mapscript.layerObj_queryByFeatures(self, map, slayer)
[документация] def queryByShape(self, map: "mapObj", shape: "shapeObj") -> "int": r""" Query layer based on a single shape, the shape has to be a polygon at this point. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` if shapes were found or :data:`MS_FAILURE` if nothing was found or if some other error happened. """ return _mapscript.layerObj_queryByShape(self, map, shape)
[документация] def queryByIndex(self, map: "mapObj", tileindex: "int", shapeindex: "int", bAddToQuery: "int"=0) -> "int": r""" Pop a query result member into the layer's result cache. By default clobbers existing cache. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.layerObj_queryByIndex(self, map, tileindex, shapeindex, bAddToQuery)
[документация] def getResults(self) -> "resultCacheObj *": r""" Returns a reference to layer's result cache. Should be NULL prior to any query, or after a failed query or query with no results.""" return _mapscript.layerObj_getResults(self)
[документация] def setFilter(self, filter: "char *") -> "int": r""" Sets a filter expression similarly to the FILTER expression in a map file. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` if the expression fails to parse. """ return _mapscript.layerObj_setFilter(self, filter)
[документация] def getFilterString(self) -> "char *": r""" Returns the current filter expression.""" return _mapscript.layerObj_getFilterString(self)
[документация] def setWKTProjection(self, wkt: "char *") -> "int": r""" Set the layer projection using OpenGIS Well Known Text format. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.layerObj_setWKTProjection(self, wkt)
[документация] def getProjection(self) -> "char *": r""" Returns the PROJ definition of the layer's projection.""" return _mapscript.layerObj_getProjection(self)
[документация] def setProjection(self, proj4: "char *") -> "int": r""" Set the layer projection using a PROJ format projection definition (i.e. "+proj=utm +zone=11 +datum=WGS84" or "init=EPSG:26911"). Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.layerObj_setProjection(self, proj4)
[документация] def addFeature(self, shape: "shapeObj") -> "int": r""" Add a new inline feature on a layer. Returns -1 on error. TODO: Is this similar to inline features in a mapfile? Does it work for any kind of layer or connection type? """ return _mapscript.layerObj_addFeature(self, shape)
[документация] def getNumFeatures(self) -> "int": r""" Returns the number of inline features in a layer. TODO: is this really only online features or will it return the number of non-inline features on a regular layer? """ return _mapscript.layerObj_getNumFeatures(self)
[документация] def getExtent(self) -> "rectObj *": r""" Fetches the extents of the data in the layer. This normally requires a full read pass through the features of the layer and does not work for raster layers.""" return _mapscript.layerObj_getExtent(self)
[документация] def setExtent(self, minx: "double"=-1.0, miny: "double"=-1.0, maxx: "double"=-1.0, maxy: "double"=-1.0) -> "int": r""" Sets the extent of a layer. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.layerObj_setExtent(self, minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
[документация] def getWMSFeatureInfoURL(self, map: "mapObj", click_x: "int", click_y: "int", feature_count: "int", info_format: "char *") -> "char *": r""" Return a WMS GetFeatureInfo URL (works only for WMS layers) *clickX*, *clickY* is the location of to query in pixel coordinates with (0,0) at the top left of the image. *featureCount* is the number of results to return. *infoFormat* is the format the format in which the result should be requested. Depends on remote server's capabilities. MapServer WMS servers support only "MIME" (and should support "GML.1" soon). Returns "" and outputs a warning if layer is not a WMS layer or if it is not queryable. """ return _mapscript.layerObj_getWMSFeatureInfoURL(self, map, click_x, click_y, feature_count, info_format)
[документация] def executeWFSGetFeature(self, layer: "layerObj") -> "char *": r""" Executes a GetFeature request on a WFS layer and returns the name of the temporary GML file created. Returns an empty string on error.""" return _mapscript.layerObj_executeWFSGetFeature(self, layer)
[документация] def applySLD(self, sld: "char *", stylelayer: "char *") -> "int": r""" Apply the SLD document to the layer object. The matching between the SLD document and the layer will be done using the layer's name. If a *stylelayer* argument is passed (argument is optional), the NamedLayer in the SLD that matches it will be used to style the layer. See SLD HOWTO for more information on the SLD support. """ return _mapscript.layerObj_applySLD(self, sld, stylelayer)
[документация] def applySLDURL(self, sld: "char *", stylelayer: "char *") -> "int": r""" Apply the SLD document pointed by the URL to the layer object. The matching between the SLD document and the layer will be done using the layer's name. If a *stylelayer* argument is passed (argument is optional), the NamedLayer in the SLD that matches it will be used to style the layer. See SLD HOWTO for more information on the SLD support. """ return _mapscript.layerObj_applySLDURL(self, sld, stylelayer)
[документация] def generateSLD(self) -> "char *": r""" Returns an SLD XML string based on all the classes found in the layer (the layer must have ``STATUS ON```).""" return _mapscript.layerObj_generateSLD(self)
[документация] def isVisible(self) -> "int": r""" Returns :data:`MS_TRUE` or :data:`MS_FALSE` after considering the layer status, minscaledenom, and maxscaledenom within the context of the parent map. """ return _mapscript.layerObj_isVisible(self)
[документация] def moveClassUp(self, index: "int") -> "int": r""" The class specified by the class index will be moved up in the array of classes. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE`. For example ``moveClassUp(1)`` will have the effect of moving class 1 up to position 0, and the class at position 0 will be moved to position 1. """ return _mapscript.layerObj_moveClassUp(self, index)
[документация] def moveClassDown(self, index: "int") -> "int": r""" The class specified by the class index will be moved up into the array of classes. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE`. For example ``moveClassDown(1)`` will have the effect of moving class 1 down to position 2, and the class at position 2 will be moved to position 1. """ return _mapscript.layerObj_moveClassDown(self, index)
[документация] def setProcessingKey(self, key: "char const *", value: "char const *") -> "void": r""" Adds or replaces a processing directive of the form "key=value". Unlike the :func:`layerObj.addProcessing` function, this will replace an existing processing directive for the given key value. Processing directives supported are specific to the layer type and underlying renderer. """ return _mapscript.layerObj_setProcessingKey(self, key, value)
[документация] def addProcessing(self, directive: "char const *") -> "void": r""" Adds a new processing directive line to a layer, similar to the PROCESSING directive in a map file. Processing directives supported are specific to the layer type and underlying renderer. """ return _mapscript.layerObj_addProcessing(self, directive)
[документация] def getProcessing(self, index: "int") -> "char *": r""" Return the raster processing directive at *index*.""" return _mapscript.layerObj_getProcessing(self, index)
[документация] def getProcessingKey(self, key: "char const *") -> "char *": r""" Return the processing directive specified by *key*.""" return _mapscript.layerObj_getProcessingKey(self, key)
[документация] def clearProcessing(self) -> "int": r""" Clears the layer's raster processing directives. Returns the subsequent number of directives, which will equal :data:`MS_SUCCESS` if the directives have been cleared. """ return _mapscript.layerObj_clearProcessing(self)
[документация] def setConnectionType(self, connectiontype: "int", library_str: "char const *") -> "int": r""" Changes the connectiontype of the layer and recreates the vtable according to the new connection type. This method should be used instead of setting the *connectiontype* parameter directly. In case when the layer.connectiontype = :data:`MS_PLUGIN` the *library_str* parameter should also be specified so as to select the library to load by MapServer. For the other connection types this parameter is not used. """ return _mapscript.layerObj_setConnectionType(self, connectiontype, library_str)
[документация] def getClassIndex(self, map: "mapObj", shape: "shapeObj", classgroup: "int *"=None, numclasses: "int"=0) -> "int": r""" Get the class index for a shape in the layer.""" return _mapscript.layerObj_getClassIndex(self, map, shape, classgroup, numclasses)
[документация] def getGeomTransform(self) -> "char *": r""" Return the geomtransform string for the layer.""" return _mapscript.layerObj_getGeomTransform(self)
[документация] def setGeomTransform(self, transform: "char *") -> "void": r""" Set the geomtransform string for the layer.""" return _mapscript.layerObj_setGeomTransform(self, transform)
[документация] def getItemType(self, i: "int") -> "char *": r""" Returns the requested item's field type. A layer must be open to retrieve the item definition. Pass in the attribute index to retrieve the type. The layer's numitems property contains the number of items available, and the first item is index zero. """ return _mapscript.layerObj_getItemType(self, i)
[документация] def getItemDefinitions(self): """ **Python MapScript only** Return item (field) names and their types if available. Field types are specified using GML metadata and can be one of the following: ``Integer|Long|Real|Character|Date|Boolean`` """ item_names = [self.getItem(idx) for idx in range(0, self.numitems)] item_types = [self.getItemType(idx) for idx in range(0, self.numitems)] return zip(item_names, item_types)
# Register layerObj in _mapscript: _mapscript.layerObj_swigregister(layerObj) class mapObj(object): r""" The :ref:`MAP <map>` object""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr refcount: "int" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_refcount_get, doc=r""" Used for reference counting see RFC24""") numlayers: "int" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_numlayers_get, doc=r""" Number of layers in mapfile""") maxlayers: "int" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_maxlayers_get, doc=r""" Allocated size of layers[] array""") configoptions: "hashTableObj" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_configoptions_get, doc=r""" A hash table of configuration options from CONFIG keywords in the map - see :ref:`CONFIG <mapfile-map-config>` """) symbolset: "symbolSetObj" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_symbolset_get, doc=r""" See :ref:`SYMBOLSET <mapfile-map-symbolset>`""") fontset: "fontSetObj" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_fontset_get, doc=r""" See :ref:`FONTSET <mapfile-map-fontset>`""") labelcache: "labelCacheObj" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_labelcache_get, doc=r""" We need this here so multiple feature processors can access it""") numoutputformats: "int" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_numoutputformats_get, doc=r""" Number of output formats available in the map""") outputformat: "outputFormatObj *" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_outputformat_get, doc=r""" See :ref:`OUTPUTFORMAT <mapfile-map-outputformat>`""") imagetype: "char *" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_imagetype_get, doc=r""" Name of current outputformat""") reference: "referenceMapObj" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_reference_get, doc=r""" See :ref:`SCALEBAR <mapfile-map-scalebar>`""") scalebar: "scalebarObj" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_scalebar_get, doc=r""" See :ref:`SCALEBAR <mapfile-map-scalebar>`""") legend: "legendObj" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_legend_get, doc=r""" See :ref:`LEGEND <mapfile-map-legend>`""") querymap: "queryMapObj" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_querymap_get, doc=r""" See :ref:`QUERYMAP <mapfile-map-querymap>`""") web: "webObj" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_web_get, doc=r""" See :ref:`WEB <mapfile-map-web>`""") transparent: "int" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_transparent_get, _mapscript.mapObj_transparent_set, doc=r""" TODO - Deprecated""") interlace: "int" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_interlace_get, _mapscript.mapObj_interlace_set, doc=r""" TODO - Deprecated""") imagequality: "int" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_imagequality_get, _mapscript.mapObj_imagequality_set, doc=r""" TODO - Deprecated""") datapattern: "char *" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_datapattern_get, _mapscript.mapObj_datapattern_set, doc=r""" TODO - Deprecated use VALIDATION ... END block instead""") templatepattern: "char *" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_templatepattern_get, _mapscript.mapObj_templatepattern_set, doc=r""" TODO - Deprecated use VALIDATION ... END block instead""") name: "char *" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_name_get, _mapscript.mapObj_name_set, doc=r""" Small identifier for naming etc - see :ref:`NAME <mapfile-map-name>`""") status: "int" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_status_get, _mapscript.mapObj_status_set, doc=r""" Is map creation on or off - see :ref:`STATUS <mapfile-map-status>`""") height: "int" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_height_get, _mapscript.mapObj_height_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`SIZE <mapfile-map-size>`""") width: "int" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_width_get, _mapscript.mapObj_width_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`SIZE <mapfile-map-size>`""") maxsize: "int" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_maxsize_get, _mapscript.mapObj_maxsize_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`MAXSIZE <mapfile-map-maxsize>`""") extent: "rectObj" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_extent_get, _mapscript.mapObj_extent_set, doc=r""" Map extent array - see :ref:`EXTENT <mapfile-map-extent>`""") cellsize: "double" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_cellsize_get, _mapscript.mapObj_cellsize_set, doc=r""" Pixel size in map units""") units: "enum MS_UNITS" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_units_get, _mapscript.mapObj_units_set, doc=r""" Units of the projection - see :ref:`UNITS <mapfile-map-units>`""") scaledenom: "double" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_scaledenom_get, _mapscript.mapObj_scaledenom_set, doc=r""" The nominal map scale, a value of 25000 means 1:25000 scale - see :ref:`SCALEDENOM <mapfile-map-scaledenom>`""") resolution: "double" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_resolution_get, _mapscript.mapObj_resolution_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`RESOLUTION <mapfile-map-resolution>`""") defresolution: "double" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_defresolution_get, _mapscript.mapObj_defresolution_set, doc=r""" Default resolution - used to calculate the scalefactor, see :ref:`DEFRESOLUTION <mapfile-map-defresolution>`""") shapepath: "char *" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_shapepath_get, _mapscript.mapObj_shapepath_set, doc=r""" Where are the shape files located - see :ref:`SHAPEPATH <mapfile-map-shapepath>`""") mappath: "char *" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_mappath_get, _mapscript.mapObj_mappath_set, doc=r""" Path of the mapfile, all paths are relative to this path""") sldurl: "char *" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_sldurl_get, _mapscript.mapObj_sldurl_set, doc=r""" URL of SLD document as specified with "&SLD=..." WMS parameter d- currently this reference is used only in mapogcsld.c and has a NULL value outside that context """) imagecolor: "colorObj" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_imagecolor_get, _mapscript.mapObj_imagecolor_set, doc=r""" Holds the initial image color value - see :ref:`IMAGECOLOR <mapfile-map-imagecolor>`""") layerorder: "int *" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_layerorder_get, _mapscript.mapObj_layerorder_set, doc=r""" Used to modify the order in which the layers are drawn - TODO should be immutable?""") debug: "int" = property(_mapscript.mapObj_debug_get, _mapscript.mapObj_debug_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`DEBUG <mapfile-map-debug>`""")
[документация] def __init__(self, *args): r""" Create a new instance of :class:`mapObj`. Note that the *filename* is optional.""" _mapscript.mapObj_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_mapObj(*args))
__swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_mapObj
[документация] def clone(self) -> "mapObj *": r""" Returns a independent copy of the map, less any caches. .. note:: In the Java module this method is named ``cloneMap``. """ return _mapscript.mapObj_clone(self)
[документация] def insertLayer(*args): actualIndex=_mapscript.mapObj_insertLayer(*args) args[1].p_map=args[0] return actualIndex
[документация] def removeLayer(self, index: "int") -> "layerObj *": r""" Remove the layer at *index*. Returns the :class:`layerObj`.""" return _mapscript.mapObj_removeLayer(self, index)
[документация] def setExtent(self, minx: "double", miny: "double", maxx: "double", maxy: "double") -> "int": r""" Set the map extent, returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE`. This method will correct the extents (width/height ratio) before setting the minx, miny, maxx, maxy values. See extent properties to set up a custom extent from :class:`rectObj`. """ return _mapscript.mapObj_setExtent(self, minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
[документация] def offsetExtent(self, x: "double", y: "double") -> "int": r""" Offset the map extent based on the given distances in map coordinates. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE`. """ return _mapscript.mapObj_offsetExtent(self, x, y)
[документация] def scaleExtent(self, zoomfactor: "double", minscaledenom: "double", maxscaledenom: "double") -> "int": r""" Scale the map extent using the *zoomfactor* and ensure the extent within the *minscaledenom* and *maxscaledenom* domain. If *minscaledenom* and/or *maxscaledenom* is 0 then the parameter is not taken into account. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.mapObj_scaleExtent(self, zoomfactor, minscaledenom, maxscaledenom)
[документация] def setCenter(self, center: "pointObj") -> "int": r""" Set the map center to the given map point. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE`. """ return _mapscript.mapObj_setCenter(self, center)
[документация] def setSize(self, width: "int", height: "int") -> "int": return _mapscript.mapObj_setSize(self, width, height)
[документация] def pixelToGeoref(self, pixPosX: "double", pixPosY: "double", geoPos: "pointObj") -> "void": r""" TODO""" return _mapscript.mapObj_pixelToGeoref(self, pixPosX, pixPosY, geoPos)
[документация] def getRotation(self) -> "double": r""" Returns the map rotation angle.""" return _mapscript.mapObj_getRotation(self)
[документация] def setRotation(self, rotation_angle: "double") -> "int": r""" Set map rotation angle. The map view rectangle (specified in EXTENTS) will be rotated by the indicated angle in the counter- clockwise direction. Note that this implies the rendered map will be rotated by the angle in the clockwise direction. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.mapObj_setRotation(self, rotation_angle)
[документация] def getLayer(*args): layer = _mapscript.mapObj_getLayer(*args) if layer: if args and len(args)!=0: layer.p_map=args[0] else: layer.p_map=None return layer
[документация] def getLayerByName(*args): layer = _mapscript.mapObj_getLayerByName(*args) if layer: if args and len(args)!=0: layer.p_map=args[0] else: layer.p_map=None return layer
[документация] def getSymbolByName(self, name: "char *") -> "int": r""" Return the index of the named symbol in the map's symbolset. .. note:: This method is poorly named and too indirect. It is preferable to use the getSymbolByName method of :class:`symbolSetObj`, which really does return a :class:`symbolObj` reference, or use the index method of symbolSetObj to get a symbol's index number. """ return _mapscript.mapObj_getSymbolByName(self, name)
[документация] def prepareQuery(self) -> "void": r""" **TODO** this function only calculates the scale or am I missing something?""" return _mapscript.mapObj_prepareQuery(self)
[документация] def prepareImage(self) -> "imageObj *": r""" Returns an :class:`imageObj` initialized to map extents and outputformat.""" return _mapscript.mapObj_prepareImage(self)
[документация] def setImageType(self, imagetype: "char *") -> "void": r""" Sets map outputformat to the named format. .. note:: :func:`mapObj.setImageType` remains in the module but its use is deprecated in favor of :func:`mapObj.selectOutputFormat`. """ return _mapscript.mapObj_setImageType(self, imagetype)
[документация] def selectOutputFormat(self, imagetype: "char *") -> "void": r""" Set the map's active output format to the internal format named imagetype. Built-in formats are "PNG", "PNG24", "JPEG", "GIF", "GTIFF". """ return _mapscript.mapObj_selectOutputFormat(self, imagetype)
[документация] def getOutputFormat(self, i: "int") -> "outputFormatObj *": r""" Returns the output format at the specified *i* index from the output formats array or null if *i* is beyond the array bounds. The number of outpuFormats can be retrieved by calling :func:`mapObj.getNumoutputformats`. """ return _mapscript.mapObj_getOutputFormat(self, i)
[документация] def setOutputFormat(self, format: "outputFormatObj") -> "void": r""" Sets map outputformat.""" return _mapscript.mapObj_setOutputFormat(self, format)
[документация] def draw(self) -> "imageObj *": r""" Draw the map, processing layers according to their defined order and status. Return an :class:`imageObj`. """ return _mapscript.mapObj_draw(self)
[документация] def drawQuery(self) -> "imageObj *": r""" Draw query map, returning an :class:`imageObj`.""" return _mapscript.mapObj_drawQuery(self)
[документация] def drawLegend(self, scale_independent: "int"=0) -> "imageObj *": r""" Draw map legend, returning an :class:`imageObj`.""" return _mapscript.mapObj_drawLegend(self, scale_independent)
[документация] def drawScalebar(self) -> "imageObj *": r""" Draw scale bar, returning an :class:`imageObj`.""" return _mapscript.mapObj_drawScalebar(self)
[документация] def drawReferenceMap(self) -> "imageObj *": r""" Draw reference map, returning an :class:`imageObj`.""" return _mapscript.mapObj_drawReferenceMap(self)
[документация] def embedScalebar(self, image: "imageObj") -> "int": r""" Embed map's legend in *image*. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE`. """ return _mapscript.mapObj_embedScalebar(self, image)
[документация] def embedLegend(self, image: "imageObj") -> "int": r""" Embed map's legend in *image*. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE`. """ return _mapscript.mapObj_embedLegend(self, image)
[документация] def drawLabelCache(self, image: "imageObj") -> "int": r""" Draw map's label cache on *image*. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE`. """ return _mapscript.mapObj_drawLabelCache(self, image)
[документация] def queryByFilter(self, string: "char *") -> "int": r""" Query map layers using the filter *string*. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE`. """ return _mapscript.mapObj_queryByFilter(self, string)
[документация] def queryByPoint(self, point: "pointObj", mode: "int", buffer: "double") -> "int": r""" Query map layers, result sets contain one or more features, depending on mode, that intersect *point* within a tolerance *buffer*. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE`. """ return _mapscript.mapObj_queryByPoint(self, point, mode, buffer)
[документация] def queryByRect(self, rect: "rectObj") -> "int": r""" Query map layers, result sets contain features that intersect or are contained within the features in the result set of the :data:`MS_LAYER_POLYGON` type layer at layer index *slayer*. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE`. """ return _mapscript.mapObj_queryByRect(self, rect)
[документация] def queryByFeatures(self, slayer: "int") -> "int": r""" Query map layers, result sets contain features that intersect or are contained within the features in the result set of the :data:`MS_LAYER_POLYGON` type layer at layer index *slayer*. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE`. """ return _mapscript.mapObj_queryByFeatures(self, slayer)
[документация] def queryByShape(self, shape: "shapeObj") -> "int": r""" Query layer based on a single shape, the shape has to be a polygon at this point. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` if shapes were found or :data:`MS_FAILURE` if nothing was found or if some other error happened """ return _mapscript.mapObj_queryByShape(self, shape)
[документация] def setWKTProjection(self, wkt: "char *") -> "int": r""" Sets map projection from OGC definition *wkt*.""" return _mapscript.mapObj_setWKTProjection(self, wkt)
[документация] def getProjection(self) -> "char *": r""" Returns the PROJ definition of the map's projection.""" return _mapscript.mapObj_getProjection(self)
[документация] def setProjection(self, proj4: "char *") -> "int": r""" Set map projection from PROJ definition string proj4.""" return _mapscript.mapObj_setProjection(self, proj4)
[документация] def save(self, filename: "char *") -> "int": r""" Save map to disk as a new map file. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.mapObj_save(self, filename)
[документация] def saveQuery(self, filename: "char *", results: "int"=0) -> "int": r""" Save query to disk. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.mapObj_saveQuery(self, filename, results)
[документация] def loadQuery(self, filename: "char *") -> "int": r""" Load a saved query. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.mapObj_loadQuery(self, filename)
[документация] def freeQuery(self, qlayer: "int"=-1) -> "void": r""" Clear layer query result caches. Default is -1, or all layers.""" return _mapscript.mapObj_freeQuery(self, qlayer)
[документация] def saveQueryAsGML(self, *args) -> "int": r""" Save query to disk. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.mapObj_saveQueryAsGML(self, *args)
[документация] def setSymbolSet(self, szFileName: "char *") -> "int": r""" Load symbols defined in filename into map symbolset. The existing symbolset is cleared. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.mapObj_setSymbolSet(self, szFileName)
[документация] def getNumSymbols(self) -> "int": r""" Return the number of symbols in map""" return _mapscript.mapObj_getNumSymbols(self)
[документация] def setFontSet(self, filename: "char *") -> "int": r""" . Load fonts defined in filename into map fontset. The existing fontset is cleared. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.mapObj_setFontSet(self, filename)
[документация] def saveMapContext(self, szFileName: "char *") -> "int": r""" Save map definition to disk as OGC-compliant XML. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.mapObj_saveMapContext(self, szFileName)
[документация] def loadMapContext(self, szFileName: "char *", useUniqueNames: "int"=0) -> "int": r""" Load an OGC map context file to define extents and layers of a map Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.mapObj_loadMapContext(self, szFileName, useUniqueNames)
[документация] def moveLayerUp(self, layerindex: "int") -> "int": r""" Move the layer at layerindex up in the drawing order array, meaning that it is drawn earlier. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.mapObj_moveLayerUp(self, layerindex)
[документация] def moveLayerDown(self, layerindex: "int") -> "int": r""" Move the layer at layerindex down in the drawing order array, meaning that it is drawn later. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.mapObj_moveLayerDown(self, layerindex)
[документация] def getLayersDrawingOrder(self) -> "intarray *": r""" Returns an array of layer indexes in drawing order. Note Unless the proper typemap is implemented for the module's language a user is more likely to get back an unusable SWIG pointer to the integer array. """ return _mapscript.mapObj_getLayersDrawingOrder(self)
[документация] def setLayersDrawingOrder(self, panIndexes: "int *") -> "int": r""" Set map layer drawing order. Note Unless the proper typemap is implemented for the module's language users will not be able to pass arrays or lists to this method and it will be unusable. """ return _mapscript.mapObj_setLayersDrawingOrder(self, panIndexes)
[документация] def setConfigOption(self, key: "char *", value: "char *") -> "void": r""" Set the indicated key configuration option to the indicated value. Equivalent to including a CONFIG keyword in a map file. """ return _mapscript.mapObj_setConfigOption(self, key, value)
[документация] def getConfigOption(self, key: "char *") -> "char *": r""" Fetches the value of the requested configuration key if set. Returns NULL if the key is not set. """ return _mapscript.mapObj_getConfigOption(self, key)
[документация] def applyConfigOptions(self) -> "void": r""" Apply the defined configuration options set by setConfigOption()""" return _mapscript.mapObj_applyConfigOptions(self)
[документация] def applySLD(self, sld: "char *") -> "int": r""" Parse the SLD XML string sldxml and apply to map layers. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.mapObj_applySLD(self, sld)
[документация] def applySLDURL(self, sld: "char *") -> "int": r""" Fetch SLD XML from the URL sldurl and apply to map layers. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.mapObj_applySLDURL(self, sld)
[документация] def generateSLD(self, sldVersion: "char *"=None) -> "char *": r""" Return SLD XML as a string for map layers that have STATUS on.""" return _mapscript.mapObj_generateSLD(self, sldVersion)
[документация] def processTemplate(self, bGenerateImages: "int", names: "char **", values: "char **", numentries: "int") -> "char *": r""" Process MapServer template and return HTML. Note none of the three template processing methods will be usable unless the proper typemaps are implemented in the module for the target language.Currently the typemaps are not implemented. """ return _mapscript.mapObj_processTemplate(self, bGenerateImages, names, values, numentries)
[документация] def processLegendTemplate(self, names: "char **", values: "char **", numentries: "int") -> "char *": r""" Process MapServer legend template and return HTML. Note none of the three template processing methods will be usable unless the proper typemaps are implemented in the module for the target language.Currently the typemaps are not implemented. """ return _mapscript.mapObj_processLegendTemplate(self, names, values, numentries)
[документация] def processQueryTemplate(self, names: "char **", values: "char **", numentries: "int") -> "char *": r""" Process MapServer query template and return HTML. Note none of the three template processing methods will be usable unless the proper typemaps are implemented in the module for the target language.Currently the typemaps are not implemented. """ return _mapscript.mapObj_processQueryTemplate(self, names, values, numentries)
[документация] def getOutputFormatByName(self, name: "char *") -> "outputFormatObj *": r""" Return the output format corresponding to driver name imagetype or to format name imagetype. This works exactly the same as the IMAGETYPE directive in a mapfile, is case insensitive and allows an output format to be found either by driver (like 'AGG/PNG') or name (like 'png'). """ return _mapscript.mapObj_getOutputFormatByName(self, name)
[документация] def appendOutputFormat(self, format: "outputFormatObj") -> "int": r""" Attach format to the map's output format list. Returns the updated number of output formats. """ return _mapscript.mapObj_appendOutputFormat(self, format)
[документация] def removeOutputFormat(self, name: "char *") -> "int": r""" Removes the format named name from the map's output format list. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.mapObj_removeOutputFormat(self, name)
[документация] def loadOWSParameters(self, *args) -> "int": r""" Load OWS request parameters (BBOX, LAYERS, &c.) into map. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.mapObj_loadOWSParameters(self, *args)
[документация] def OWSDispatch(self, req: "OWSRequest") -> "int": r""" Processes and executes the passed OpenGIS Web Services request on the map. Returns :data:`MS_DONE` (2) if there is no valid OWS request in the req object, :data:`MS_SUCCESS` (0) if an OWS request was successfully processed and :data:`MS_FAILURE` (1) if an OWS request was not successfully processed. OWS requests include WMS, WFS, WCS and SOS requests supported by MapServer. Results of a dispatched request are written to stdout and can be captured using the msIO services (i.e. :func:`mapscript.msIO_installStdoutToBuffer` and :func:`mapscript.msIO_getStdoutBufferString()` """ return _mapscript.mapObj_OWSDispatch(self, req)
[документация] def convertToString(self) -> "char *": r""" Saves the object to a string. Provides the inverse option for updateFromString.""" return _mapscript.mapObj_convertToString(self)
[документация] def applyDefaultSubstitutions(self) -> "void": r""" Apply any default values defined in a VALIDATION block used for runtime substitutions""" return _mapscript.mapObj_applyDefaultSubstitutions(self)
[документация] def applySubstitutions(self, names: "char **") -> "void": r""" Pass in runtime substitution keys and values and apply them to the map. Note - this method is currently enabled for Python only. Typemaps are needed for other MapScript languages. """ return _mapscript.mapObj_applySubstitutions(self, names)
[документация] def zoomPoint(self, zoomfactor: "int", poPixPos: "pointObj", width: "int", height: "int", poGeorefExt: "rectObj", poMaxGeorefExt: "rectObj") -> "int": r""" Zoom by the given factor to a pixel position within the width and height bounds. If max_extent is not NULL, the zoom is constrained to the max_extents Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.mapObj_zoomPoint(self, zoomfactor, poPixPos, width, height, poGeorefExt, poMaxGeorefExt)
[документация] def zoomRectangle(self, poPixRect: "rectObj", width: "int", height: "int", poGeorefExt: "rectObj", poMaxGeorefExt: "rectObj") -> "int": r""" Set the map extents to a given extents. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` on error """ return _mapscript.mapObj_zoomRectangle(self, poPixRect, width, height, poGeorefExt, poMaxGeorefExt)
[документация] def zoomScale(self, scale: "double", poPixPos: "pointObj", width: "int", height: "int", poGeorefExt: "rectObj", poMaxGeorefExt: "rectObj") -> "int": r""" Zoom by the given factor to a pixel position within the width and height bounds. If max_extent is not NULL, the zoom is constrained to the max_extents """ return _mapscript.mapObj_zoomScale(self, scale, poPixPos, width, height, poGeorefExt, poMaxGeorefExt)
[документация] def getLayerOrder(self) -> "PyObject *": r""" **Python MapScript only** - returns the map layer order as a native sequence""" return _mapscript.mapObj_getLayerOrder(self)
[документация] def setLayerOrder(self, order: "PyObject *") -> "int": r""" **Python MapScript only** - sets the map layer order using a native sequence""" return _mapscript.mapObj_setLayerOrder(self, order)
[документация] def getSize(self) -> "PyObject *": r""" **Python MapScript only** - gets the map size as a tuple""" return _mapscript.mapObj_getSize(self)
[документация] def get_height(self): """ **Python MapScript only** Return the map height from the map size """ return self.getSize()[1] # <-- second member is the height
[документация] def get_width(self): """ **Python MapScript only** Return the map width from the map size """ return self.getSize()[0] # <-- first member is the width
[документация] def set_height(self, value): """ **Python MapScript only** Set the map height value of the map size """ return self.setSize(self.getSize()[0], value)
[документация] def set_width(self, value): """ **Python MapScript only** Set the map width value of the map size """ return self.setSize(value, self.getSize()[1])
width = property(get_width, set_width, doc="See :ref:`SIZE <mapfile-map-size>`") height = property(get_height, set_height, doc = "See :ref:`SIZE <mapfile-map-size>`") # Register mapObj in _mapscript: _mapscript.mapObj_swigregister(mapObj) def msSaveImage(map: "mapObj", img: "imageObj", filename: "char const *") -> "int": r""" Saves a map image to a file""" return _mapscript.msSaveImage(map, img, filename) def msFreeImage(img: "imageObj") -> "void": r""" Generic function to free a imageObj""" return _mapscript.msFreeImage(img) def msSetup() -> "int": r""" Sets up threads and font cache - called when MapScript is initialised""" return _mapscript.msSetup() def msCleanup() -> "void": r""" Attempts to recover all dynamically allocated resources allocated by MapServer code and dependent libraries. It is used primarily for final clean-up in scripts that need to do memory leak testing to get rid of "noise" one-time allocations. It should not normally be used by production code. """ return _mapscript.msCleanup() def msLoadMapFromString(buffer: "char *", new_mappath: "char *") -> "mapObj *": r""" Sets up string-based mapfile loading and calls loadMapInternal to do the work""" return _mapscript.msLoadMapFromString(buffer, new_mappath) MS_VERSION_MAJOR = _mapscript.MS_VERSION_MAJOR MS_VERSION_MINOR = _mapscript.MS_VERSION_MINOR MS_VERSION_REV = _mapscript.MS_VERSION_REV MS_VERSION = _mapscript.MS_VERSION MS_VERSION_NUM = _mapscript.MS_VERSION_NUM class rectObj(object): r""" A rectObj represents a rectangle or bounding box. A rectObj may be a lone object or an attribute of another object and has no other associations. """ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr minx: "double" = property(_mapscript.rectObj_minx_get, _mapscript.rectObj_minx_set, doc=r""" Minimum easting""") miny: "double" = property(_mapscript.rectObj_miny_get, _mapscript.rectObj_miny_set, doc=r""" Minimum northing""") maxx: "double" = property(_mapscript.rectObj_maxx_get, _mapscript.rectObj_maxx_set, doc=r""" Maximum easting""") maxy: "double" = property(_mapscript.rectObj_maxy_get, _mapscript.rectObj_maxy_set, doc=r""" Maximum northing""")
[документация] def __init__(self, minx: "double"=-1.0, miny: "double"=-1.0, maxx: "double"=-1.0, maxy: "double"=-1.0, imageunits: "int"=0): r""" Create new instance. The four easting and northing arguments are optional and default to -1.0. Note the new optional fifth argument which allows creation of rectangles in image (pixel/line) units which are also tested for validity. """ _mapscript.rectObj_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_rectObj(minx, miny, maxx, maxy, imageunits))
__swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_rectObj
[документация] def project(self, projin: "projectionObj", projout: "projectionObj") -> "int": r""" Reproject rectangle from proj_in to proj_out. Transformation is done in place. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.rectObj_project(self, projin, projout)
[документация] def fit(self, width: "int", height: "int") -> "double": r""" Adjust the rect to fit the width and height. Returns cellsize of rect.""" return _mapscript.rectObj_fit(self, width, height)
[документация] def draw(self, map: "mapObj", layer: "layerObj", image: "imageObj", classindex: "int", text: "char *") -> "int": r""" Draw rectangle into img using style defined by the classindex class of layer. The rectangle is labeled with the string text. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.rectObj_draw(self, map, layer, image, classindex, text)
[документация] def getCenter(self) -> "pointObj *": r""" Return the center point of the rectangle.""" return _mapscript.rectObj_getCenter(self)
[документация] def toPolygon(self) -> "shapeObj *": r""" Convert to a polygon of five vertices.""" return _mapscript.rectObj_toPolygon(self)
[документация] def toString(self) -> "char *": r""" Return a string formatted like: ``{ 'minx': %f , 'miny': %f , 'maxx': %f , 'maxy': %f }`` with the bounding values substituted appropriately. Python users can get the same effect via the rectObj __str__ method: >>> r = mapscript.rectObj(0, 0, 1, 1) >>> str(r) { 'minx': 0 , 'miny': 0 , 'maxx': 1 , 'maxy': 1 } """ return _mapscript.rectObj_toString(self)
def __str__(self): return self.toString() def __contains__(self, item): item_type = item.__class__.__name__ if item_type == "pointObj": if item.x >= self.minx and item.x <= self.maxx \ and item.y >= self.miny and item.y <= self.maxy: return True else: return False else: raise TypeError('__contains__ does not yet handle %s' % (item_type)) # Register rectObj in _mapscript: _mapscript.rectObj_swigregister(rectObj) class pointObj(object): r""" A :class:`pointObj` has an x, y, z and m values. A :class:`pointObj` instance may be associated with a :class:`lineObj`. """ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr x: "double" = property(_mapscript.pointObj_x_get, _mapscript.pointObj_x_set, doc=r""" The x coordinate of the point""") y: "double" = property(_mapscript.pointObj_y_get, _mapscript.pointObj_y_set, doc=r""" The y coordinate of the point""") z: "double" = property(_mapscript.pointObj_z_get, _mapscript.pointObj_z_set, doc=r""" The z (height) coordinate of the point""") m: "double" = property(_mapscript.pointObj_m_get, _mapscript.pointObj_m_set, doc=r""" The m (measure) of the point, used for linear referencing""")
[документация] def __init__(self, x: "double"=0.0, y: "double"=0.0, z: "double"=0.0, m: "double"=-2e38): r""" Create new instance. Easting, northing, and measure arguments are optional. Java pointObj constructors are in java/javaextend.i See https://github.com/mapserver/mapserver/issues/1106 """ _mapscript.pointObj_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_pointObj(x, y, z, m))
__swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_pointObj
[документация] def project(self, projin: "projectionObj", projout: "projectionObj") -> "int": r""" Reproject point from proj_in to proj_out. Transformation is done in place. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.pointObj_project(self, projin, projout)
[документация] def draw(self, map: "mapObj", layer: "layerObj", image: "imageObj", classindex: "int", text: "char *") -> "int": r""" Draw the point using the styles defined by the classindex class of layer and labelled with string text. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.pointObj_draw(self, map, layer, image, classindex, text)
[документация] def distanceToPoint(self, point: "pointObj") -> "double": r""" Returns the distance to point.""" return _mapscript.pointObj_distanceToPoint(self, point)
[документация] def distanceToSegment(self, a: "pointObj", b: "pointObj") -> "double": r""" Returns the minimum distance to a hypothetical line segment connecting point1 and point2. """ return _mapscript.pointObj_distanceToSegment(self, a, b)
[документация] def distanceToShape(self, shape: "shapeObj") -> "double": r""" Returns the minimum distance to shape.""" return _mapscript.pointObj_distanceToShape(self, shape)
[документация] def setXY(self, x: "double", y: "double", m: "double"=-2e38) -> "int": r""" Set spatial coordinate and, optionally, measure values simultaneously. The measure will be set only if the value of m is greater than the ESRI measure no-data value of -1e38. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.pointObj_setXY(self, x, y, m)
[документация] def setXYZ(self, x: "double", y: "double", z: "double", m: "double"=-2e38) -> "int": r""" Set spatial coordinate and, optionally, measure values simultaneously. The measure will be set only if the value of m is greater than the ESRI measure no-data value of -1e38. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.pointObj_setXYZ(self, x, y, z, m)
[документация] def setXYZM(self, x: "double", y: "double", z: "double", m: "double") -> "int": r""" Set spatial coordinate and, optionally, measure values simultaneously. The measure will be set only if the value of m is greater than the ESRI measure no-data value of -1e38. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.pointObj_setXYZM(self, x, y, z, m)
[документация] def toString(self) -> "char *": r""" Return a string formatted like: ``{ 'x': %f , 'y': %f, 'z': %f }`` with the coordinate values substituted appropriately. Python users can get the same effect via the pointObj __str__ method: >>> p = mapscript.pointObj(1, 1) >>> str(p) { 'x': 1.000000 , 'y': 1.000000, 'z': 1.000000 } """ return _mapscript.pointObj_toString(self)
[документация] def toShape(self) -> "shapeObj *": r""" Convert to a new :class:`shapeObj`""" return _mapscript.pointObj_toShape(self)
def __str__(self): return self.toString() @property def __geo_interface__(self): if hasattr(self, "z"): coords = (self.x, self.y, self.z) else: coords = (self.x, self.y) return {"type": "Point", "coordinates": coords} # Register pointObj in _mapscript: _mapscript.pointObj_swigregister(pointObj) class lineObj(object): r"""A :class:`lineObj` is composed of one or more :class:`pointObj` instances""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr numpoints: "int" = property(_mapscript.lineObj_numpoints_get, doc=r""" Number of points in the line""")
[документация] def __init__(self): r""" A :class:`lineObj` is composed of one or more :class:`pointObj` instances""" _mapscript.lineObj_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_lineObj())
__swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_lineObj
[документация] def project(self, projin: "projectionObj", projout: "projectionObj") -> "int": r""" Transform line in place from proj_in to proj_out. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.lineObj_project(self, projin, projout)
[документация] def get(self, i: "int") -> "pointObj *": r""" Return reference to point at index *i*.""" return _mapscript.lineObj_get(self, i)
[документация] def add(self, p: "pointObj") -> "int": r""" Add point *p* to the line. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.lineObj_add(self, p)
[документация] def set(self, i: "int", p: "pointObj") -> "int": r""" Set the point at index *i* to point *p*. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.lineObj_set(self, i, p)
@property def __geo_interface__(self): coords = [] for idx in range(0, self.numpoints): pt = self.get(idx) geom = pt.__geo_interface__ coords.append(geom["coordinates"]) return {"type": "LineString", "coordinates": coords} # Register lineObj in _mapscript: _mapscript.lineObj_swigregister(lineObj) class shapeObj(object): r"""Each feature of a layer's data is a :class:`shapeObj`. Each part of the shape is a closed :class:`lineObj`.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr numlines: "int" = property(_mapscript.shapeObj_numlines_get, doc=r""" Number of parts""") numvalues: "int" = property(_mapscript.shapeObj_numvalues_get, doc=r""" Number of shape attributes""") bounds: "rectObj" = property(_mapscript.shapeObj_bounds_get, _mapscript.shapeObj_bounds_set, doc=r""" Bounding box of shape""") type: "int" = property(_mapscript.shapeObj_type_get, _mapscript.shapeObj_type_set, doc=r""" MS_SHAPE_POINT, MS_SHAPE_LINE, MS_SHAPE_POLYGON, or MS_SHAPE_NULL""") index: "long" = property(_mapscript.shapeObj_index_get, _mapscript.shapeObj_index_set, doc=r""" Feature index within the layer""") tileindex: "int" = property(_mapscript.shapeObj_tileindex_get, _mapscript.shapeObj_tileindex_set, doc=r""" Index of tiled file for tile-indexed layers""") classindex: "int" = property(_mapscript.shapeObj_classindex_get, _mapscript.shapeObj_classindex_set, doc=r""" The class index for features of a classified layer""") text: "char *" = property(_mapscript.shapeObj_text_get, _mapscript.shapeObj_text_set, doc=r""" Shape annotation""") scratch: "int" = property(_mapscript.shapeObj_scratch_get, _mapscript.shapeObj_scratch_set) resultindex: "int" = property(_mapscript.shapeObj_resultindex_get, _mapscript.shapeObj_resultindex_set, doc=r""" Index within a query result set""")
[документация] def __init__(self, type: "int"=MS_SHAPE_NULL): r""" Return a new shapeObj of the specified type. See the type attribute. No attribute values created by default. initValues should be explicitly called to create the required number of values. Each feature of a layer's data is a shapeObj. Each part of the shape is a closed :class:`lineObj` """ _mapscript.shapeObj_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_shapeObj(type))
__swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_shapeObj
[документация] @staticmethod def fromWKT(wkt: "char *") -> "shapeObj *": r""" Returns a new shapeObj based on a well-known text representation of a geometry. Requires GEOS support. Returns NULL/undef on failure. """ return _mapscript.shapeObj_fromWKT(wkt)
[документация] def project(self, projin: "projectionObj", projout: "projectionObj") -> "int": r""" Reproject shape from proj_in to proj_out. Transformation is done in place. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.shapeObj_project(self, projin, projout)
[документация] def get(self, i: "int") -> "lineObj *": r""" Returns a reference to part at index. Reference is valid only during the life of the shapeObj. """ return _mapscript.shapeObj_get(self, i)
[документация] def add(self, line: "lineObj") -> "int": r""" Add line (i.e. a part) to the shape. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.shapeObj_add(self, line)
[документация] def draw(self, map: "mapObj", layer: "layerObj", image: "imageObj") -> "int": r""" Draws the individual shape using layer. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.shapeObj_draw(self, map, layer, image)
[документация] def setBounds(self) -> "void": r""" Must be called to calculate new bounding box after new parts have been added. TODO: should return int and set msSetError. """ return _mapscript.shapeObj_setBounds(self)
[документация] def clone(self) -> "shapeObj *": r""" Return an independent copy of the shape.""" return _mapscript.shapeObj_clone(self)
[документация] def copy(self, dest: "shapeObj") -> "int": r""" Copy the shape to shape_copy. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.shapeObj_copy(self, dest)
[документация] def toWKT(self) -> "char *": r""" Returns the well - known text representation of a shapeObj. Requires GEOS support.Returns NULL / undefined on failure. """ return _mapscript.shapeObj_toWKT(self)
[документация] def buffer(self, width: "double") -> "shapeObj *": r""" Returns a new buffered shapeObj based on the supplied distance (given in the coordinates of the existing shapeObj). Requires GEOS support. Returns NULL/undefined on failure. """ return _mapscript.shapeObj_buffer(self, width)
[документация] def simplify(self, tolerance: "double") -> "shapeObj *": r""" Given a tolerance, returns a simplified shape object or NULL on error. Requires GEOS support (>=3.0). """ return _mapscript.shapeObj_simplify(self, tolerance)
[документация] def topologyPreservingSimplify(self, tolerance: "double") -> "shapeObj *": r""" Given a tolerance, returns a simplified shape object or NULL on error. Requires GEOS support (>=3.0). """ return _mapscript.shapeObj_topologyPreservingSimplify(self, tolerance)
[документация] def convexHull(self) -> "shapeObj *": r""" Returns the convex hull of the existing shape. Requires GEOS support. Returns NULL/undef on failure. """ return _mapscript.shapeObj_convexHull(self)
[документация] def boundary(self) -> "shapeObj *": r""" Returns the boundary of the existing shape. Requires GEOS support. Returns NULL/undef on failure. """ return _mapscript.shapeObj_boundary(self)
[документация] def getCentroid(self) -> "pointObj *": r""" Returns the centroid for the existing shape. Requires GEOS support. Returns NULL/undef on failure. """ return _mapscript.shapeObj_getCentroid(self)
[документация] def Union(self, shape: "shapeObj") -> "shapeObj *": r""" Returns the union of the existing and supplied shape. Shapes must be of the same type. Requires GEOS support. Returns NULL/undef on failure. """ return _mapscript.shapeObj_Union(self, shape)
[документация] def intersection(self, shape: "shapeObj") -> "shapeObj *": r""" Returns the computed intersection of the supplied and existing shape. Requires GEOS support. Returns NULL/undef on failure. """ return _mapscript.shapeObj_intersection(self, shape)
[документация] def difference(self, shape: "shapeObj") -> "shapeObj *": r""" Returns the computed difference of the supplied and existing shape. Requires GEOS support. Returns NULL/undef on failure. """ return _mapscript.shapeObj_difference(self, shape)
[документация] def symDifference(self, shape: "shapeObj") -> "shapeObj *": r""" Returns the computed symmetric difference of the supplied and existing shape. Requires GEOS support. Returns NULL/undef on failure. """ return _mapscript.shapeObj_symDifference(self, shape)
[документация] def overlaps(self, shape: "shapeObj") -> "int": r""" Returns :data:`MS_TRUE` if shape2 overlaps shape, returns -1 on error and :data:`MS_FALSE` otherwise. Requires GEOS support. """ return _mapscript.shapeObj_overlaps(self, shape)
[документация] def within(self, shape: "shapeObj") -> "int": r""" Returns :data:`MS_TRUE` if shape is entirely within shape2, returns -1 on error and :data:`MS_FALSE` otherwise. Requires GEOS support. """ return _mapscript.shapeObj_within(self, shape)
[документация] def crosses(self, shape: "shapeObj") -> "int": r""" Returns :data:`MS_TRUE` if shape2 crosses the shape, returns -1 on error and :data:`MS_FALSE` otherwise. Requires GEOS support. """ return _mapscript.shapeObj_crosses(self, shape)
[документация] def intersects(self, shape: "shapeObj") -> "int": r""" Returns :data:`MS_TRUE` if shape and shape2 intersect, and :data:`MS_FALSE` otherwise. Does not require GEOS support but will use GEOS functions if available. """ return _mapscript.shapeObj_intersects(self, shape)
[документация] def touches(self, shape: "shapeObj") -> "int": r""" Returns :data:`MS_TRUE` if shape and shape2 touch, returns -1 on error and :data:`MS_FALSE` otherwise. Requires GEOS support. """ return _mapscript.shapeObj_touches(self, shape)
[документация] def equals(self, shape: "shapeObj") -> "int": r""" Returns :data:`MS_TRUE` if shape and shape2 are equal (geometry only), returns -1 on error and :data:`MS_FALSE` otherwise. Requires GEOS support. """ return _mapscript.shapeObj_equals(self, shape)
[документация] def disjoint(self, shape: "shapeObj") -> "int": r""" Returns :data:`MS_TRUE` if shape and shape2 are disjoint, returns -1 on error and :data:`MS_FALSE` otherwise. Requires GEOS support. """ return _mapscript.shapeObj_disjoint(self, shape)
[документация] def getArea(self) -> "double": r""" Returns the area of the shape (if applicable). Requires GEOS support.""" return _mapscript.shapeObj_getArea(self)
[документация] def getLength(self) -> "double": r""" Returns the length (or perimeter) of the shape. Requires GEOS support.""" return _mapscript.shapeObj_getLength(self)
[документация] def getValue(self, i: "int") -> "char *": r""" Return the shape attribute at index i.""" return _mapscript.shapeObj_getValue(self, i)
[документация] def contains(self, *args) -> "int": r""" *Overload 1:* Returns :data:`MS_TRUE` if shape2 is entirely inside the shape, returns -1 on error and :data:`MS_FALSE` otherwise. Requires GEOS support. | *Overload 2:* Returns :data:`MS_TRUE` if the point is inside the shape, :data:`MS_FALSE` otherwise """ return _mapscript.shapeObj_contains(self, *args)
[документация] def distanceToPoint(self, point: "pointObj") -> "double": r""" Returns the distance to point.""" return _mapscript.shapeObj_distanceToPoint(self, point)
[документация] def distanceToShape(self, shape: "shapeObj") -> "double": r""" Returns the minimum distance to shape.""" return _mapscript.shapeObj_distanceToShape(self, shape)
[документация] def getLabelPoint(self) -> "pointObj *": r""" Given a shape, return a point object suitable for labelling it.""" return _mapscript.shapeObj_getLabelPoint(self)
[документация] def setValue(self, i: "int", value: "char *") -> "int": r""" Set the shape value at index i to value.""" return _mapscript.shapeObj_setValue(self, i, value)
[документация] def initValues(self, numvalues: "int") -> "void": r""" Allocates memory for the requested number of values.""" return _mapscript.shapeObj_initValues(self, numvalues)
def _convert_item_values(self, property_values, property_types): """ **Python MapScript only** Convert an item value, which is always stored as a string, into a Python type, based on an attributes GML metadata type. These can be one of the following: ``Integer|Long|Real|Character|Date|Boolean`` """ typed_values = [] for value, type_ in zip(property_values, property_types): try: if type_.lower() == "integer": value = int(value) elif type_.lower() == "long": value = long(value) elif type_.lower() == "real": value = float(value) else: pass except ValueError: pass typed_values.append(value) return typed_values @property def __geo_interface__(self): bounds = self.bounds ms_geom_type = self.type # see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7946 for GeoJSON types if ms_geom_type == MS_SHAPE_POINT or ms_geom_type == MS_SHP_POINTZ or ms_geom_type == MS_SHP_POINTM: geom_type = "Point" elif ms_geom_type == MS_SHP_MULTIPOINTZ or ms_geom_type == MS_SHP_MULTIPOINTM: geom_type = "MultiPoint" elif ms_geom_type == MS_SHAPE_LINE or ms_geom_type == MS_SHP_ARCZ or ms_geom_type == MS_SHP_ARCM: if self.numlines == 1: geom_type = "LineString" else: geom_type = "MultiLineString" elif ms_geom_type == MS_SHAPE_POLYGON or ms_geom_type == MS_SHP_POLYGONZ or ms_geom_type == MS_SHP_POLYGONM: if self.numlines == 1: geom_type = "Polygon" else: geom_type = "MultiPolygon" elif ms_geom_type == MS_SHAPE_NULL: return None else: raise TypeError("Shape type {} not supported".format(geom_type)) properties = {} coords = [] # property names are stored at the layer level # https://github.com/mapserver/mapserver/issues/130 property_values = [self.getValue(idx) for idx in range(0, self.numvalues)] if hasattr(self, "_item_definitions"): property_names, property_types = zip(*self._item_definitions) property_values = self._convert_item_values(property_values, property_types) else: property_names = [str(idx) for idx in range(0, self.numvalues)] properties = dict(zip(property_names, property_values)) for idx in range(0, self.numlines): line = self.get(idx) geom = line.__geo_interface__ coords.append(geom["coordinates"]) return { "type": "Feature", "bbox": (bounds.minx, bounds.miny, bounds.maxx, bounds.maxy), "properties": properties, "geometry": { "type": geom_type, "coordinates": coords } } @property def itemdefinitions(self): return self._item_definitions @itemdefinitions.setter def itemdefinitions(self, item_definitions): self._item_definitions = item_definitions # Register shapeObj in _mapscript: _mapscript.shapeObj_swigregister(shapeObj) def shapeObj_fromWKT(wkt: "char *") -> "shapeObj *": r""" Returns a new shapeObj based on a well-known text representation of a geometry. Requires GEOS support. Returns NULL/undef on failure. """ return _mapscript.shapeObj_fromWKT(wkt) MS_NOERR = _mapscript.MS_NOERR MS_IOERR = _mapscript.MS_IOERR MS_MEMERR = _mapscript.MS_MEMERR MS_TYPEERR = _mapscript.MS_TYPEERR MS_SYMERR = _mapscript.MS_SYMERR MS_REGEXERR = _mapscript.MS_REGEXERR MS_TTFERR = _mapscript.MS_TTFERR MS_DBFERR = _mapscript.MS_DBFERR MS_IDENTERR = _mapscript.MS_IDENTERR MS_EOFERR = _mapscript.MS_EOFERR MS_PROJERR = _mapscript.MS_PROJERR MS_MISCERR = _mapscript.MS_MISCERR MS_CGIERR = _mapscript.MS_CGIERR MS_WEBERR = _mapscript.MS_WEBERR MS_IMGERR = _mapscript.MS_IMGERR MS_HASHERR = _mapscript.MS_HASHERR MS_JOINERR = _mapscript.MS_JOINERR MS_NOTFOUND = _mapscript.MS_NOTFOUND MS_SHPERR = _mapscript.MS_SHPERR MS_PARSEERR = _mapscript.MS_PARSEERR MS_UNUSEDERR = _mapscript.MS_UNUSEDERR MS_OGRERR = _mapscript.MS_OGRERR MS_QUERYERR = _mapscript.MS_QUERYERR MS_WMSERR = _mapscript.MS_WMSERR MS_WMSCONNERR = _mapscript.MS_WMSCONNERR MS_ORACLESPATIALERR = _mapscript.MS_ORACLESPATIALERR MS_WFSERR = _mapscript.MS_WFSERR MS_WFSCONNERR = _mapscript.MS_WFSCONNERR MS_MAPCONTEXTERR = _mapscript.MS_MAPCONTEXTERR MS_HTTPERR = _mapscript.MS_HTTPERR MS_CHILDERR = _mapscript.MS_CHILDERR MS_WCSERR = _mapscript.MS_WCSERR MS_GEOSERR = _mapscript.MS_GEOSERR MS_RECTERR = _mapscript.MS_RECTERR MS_TIMEERR = _mapscript.MS_TIMEERR MS_GMLERR = _mapscript.MS_GMLERR MS_SOSERR = _mapscript.MS_SOSERR MS_NULLPARENTERR = _mapscript.MS_NULLPARENTERR MS_AGGERR = _mapscript.MS_AGGERR MS_OWSERR = _mapscript.MS_OWSERR MS_OGLERR = _mapscript.MS_OGLERR MS_RENDERERERR = _mapscript.MS_RENDERERERR MS_V8ERR = _mapscript.MS_V8ERR MS_NUMERRORCODES = _mapscript.MS_NUMERRORCODES MESSAGELENGTH = _mapscript.MESSAGELENGTH ROUTINELENGTH = _mapscript.ROUTINELENGTH MS_ERROR_LANGUAGE = _mapscript.MS_ERROR_LANGUAGE class errorObj(object): r""" This class allows inspection of the MapServer error stack. Instances of errorObj are created internally by MapServer as errors happen. Errors are managed as a chained list with the first item being the most recent error. """ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr code: "int" = property(_mapscript.errorObj_code_get, _mapscript.errorObj_code_set, doc=r""" MapServer error code such as :data:`MS_IMGERR`""") routine: "char [64]" = property(_mapscript.errorObj_routine_get, _mapscript.errorObj_routine_set, doc=r""" MapServer function in which the error was set""") message: "char [2048]" = property(_mapscript.errorObj_message_get, _mapscript.errorObj_message_set, doc=r""" Context-dependent error message""") isreported: "int" = property(_mapscript.errorObj_isreported_get, _mapscript.errorObj_isreported_set, doc=r""" :data:`MS_TRUE` or :data:`MS_FALSE` flag indicating if the error has been output""") errorcount: "int" = property(_mapscript.errorObj_errorcount_get, _mapscript.errorObj_errorcount_set, doc=r""" Number of subsequent errors""")
[документация] def __init__(self): r""" Create a new instance""" _mapscript.errorObj_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_errorObj())
__swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_errorObj
[документация] def next(self) -> "errorObj *": r""" Returns the next error in the stack or NULL if the end has been reached""" return _mapscript.errorObj_next(self)
# Register errorObj in _mapscript: _mapscript.errorObj_swigregister(errorObj) def msGetErrorObj() -> "errorObj *": r""" Get the MapServer error object""" return _mapscript.msGetErrorObj() def msResetErrorList() -> "void": r""" Clear the list of error objects""" return _mapscript.msResetErrorList() def msGetVersion() -> "char *": r""" Returns a string containing MapServer version information, and details on what optional components are built in - the same report as produced by ``mapserv -v`` """ return _mapscript.msGetVersion() def msGetVersionInt() -> "int": r""" Returns the MapServer version number (x.y.z) as an integer (x*10000 + y*100 + z) e.g. V7.4.2 would return 70402 """ return _mapscript.msGetVersionInt() def msGetErrorString(delimiter: "char const *") -> "char *": r""" Return a string of all errors""" return _mapscript.msGetErrorString(delimiter) MS_DEBUGLEVEL_ERRORSONLY = _mapscript.MS_DEBUGLEVEL_ERRORSONLY MS_DEBUGLEVEL_DEBUG = _mapscript.MS_DEBUGLEVEL_DEBUG MS_DEBUGLEVEL_TUNING = _mapscript.MS_DEBUGLEVEL_TUNING MS_DEBUGLEVEL_V = _mapscript.MS_DEBUGLEVEL_V MS_DEBUGLEVEL_VV = _mapscript.MS_DEBUGLEVEL_VV MS_DEBUGLEVEL_VVV = _mapscript.MS_DEBUGLEVEL_VVV MS_DEBUGLEVEL_DEVDEBUG = _mapscript.MS_DEBUGLEVEL_DEVDEBUG SHX_BUFFER_PAGE = _mapscript.SHX_BUFFER_PAGE MS_SHAPEFILE_POINT = _mapscript.MS_SHAPEFILE_POINT MS_SHAPEFILE_ARC = _mapscript.MS_SHAPEFILE_ARC MS_SHAPEFILE_POLYGON = _mapscript.MS_SHAPEFILE_POLYGON MS_SHAPEFILE_MULTIPOINT = _mapscript.MS_SHAPEFILE_MULTIPOINT MS_SHP_POINTZ = _mapscript.MS_SHP_POINTZ MS_SHP_ARCZ = _mapscript.MS_SHP_ARCZ MS_SHP_POLYGONZ = _mapscript.MS_SHP_POLYGONZ MS_SHP_MULTIPOINTZ = _mapscript.MS_SHP_MULTIPOINTZ MS_SHP_POINTM = _mapscript.MS_SHP_POINTM MS_SHP_ARCM = _mapscript.MS_SHP_ARCM MS_SHP_POLYGONM = _mapscript.MS_SHP_POLYGONM MS_SHP_MULTIPOINTM = _mapscript.MS_SHP_MULTIPOINTM class DBFInfo(object): r"""An object containing information about a DBF file""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr nRecords: "int" = property(_mapscript.DBFInfo_nRecords_get, doc=r""" Number of records in the DBF""") nFields: "int" = property(_mapscript.DBFInfo_nFields_get, doc=r""" Number of fields in the DBF""")
[документация] def getFieldName(self, iField: "int") -> "char *": r""" Get the field name of a DBF using the field index ``iField``""" return _mapscript.DBFInfo_getFieldName(self, iField)
[документация] def getFieldWidth(self, iField: "int") -> "int": r""" Get the field width of a DBF using the field index ``iField``""" return _mapscript.DBFInfo_getFieldWidth(self, iField)
[документация] def getFieldDecimals(self, iField: "int") -> "int": r""" Get the field decimals of a DBF using the field index ``iField``""" return _mapscript.DBFInfo_getFieldDecimals(self, iField)
[документация] def getFieldType(self, iField: "int") -> "int": r""" Get the field type of a DBF using the field index ``iField``. Field types are one of FTString, FTInteger, FTDouble, FTInvalid """ return _mapscript.DBFInfo_getFieldType(self, iField)
[документация] def __init__(self): _mapscript.DBFInfo_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_DBFInfo())
__swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_DBFInfo # Register DBFInfo in _mapscript: _mapscript.DBFInfo_swigregister(DBFInfo) FTString = _mapscript.FTString FTInteger = _mapscript.FTInteger FTDouble = _mapscript.FTDouble FTInvalid = _mapscript.FTInvalid class shapefileObj(object): r""" An object representing a Shapefile. There is no write access to this object using MapScript. """ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr type: "int" = property(_mapscript.shapefileObj_type_get, doc=r""" Shapefile type - see mapshape.h for values of type""") numshapes: "int" = property(_mapscript.shapefileObj_numshapes_get, doc=r""" Number of shapes""") bounds: "rectObj" = property(_mapscript.shapefileObj_bounds_get, doc=r""" Extent of shapes""")
[документация] def __init__(self, filename: "char *", type: "int"=-1): r""" Create a new instance. Omit the type argument or use a value of -1 to open an existing shapefile. Type should be one of :data:`MS_SHP_POINT`, :data:`MS_SHP_ARC`, :data:`MS_SHP_POLYGON` or :data:`MS_SHP_MULTIPOINT` """ _mapscript.shapefileObj_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_shapefileObj(filename, type))
__swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_shapefileObj
[документация] def get(self, i: "int", shape: "shapeObj") -> "int": r""" Get the shapefile feature from index i and store it in shape. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.shapefileObj_get(self, i, shape)
[документация] def getShape(self, i: "int") -> "shapeObj *": r""" Returns the shapefile feature at index i. More efficient than get.""" return _mapscript.shapefileObj_getShape(self, i)
[документация] def getPoint(self, i: "int", point: "pointObj") -> "int": r""" Returns the point feature at index i and store it in pointObj.""" return _mapscript.shapefileObj_getPoint(self, i, point)
[документация] def getTransformed(self, map: "mapObj", i: "int", shape: "shapeObj") -> "int": r""" Returns the feature at index i, simplify it, and store it in shape. Uses the map extent and cellsize for simplification. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.shapefileObj_getTransformed(self, map, i, shape)
[документация] def getExtent(self, i: "int", rect: "rectObj") -> "void": r""" Retrieve a shape's bounding box by index and stores it in rect.""" return _mapscript.shapefileObj_getExtent(self, i, rect)
[документация] def add(self, shape: "shapeObj") -> "int": r""" Appends a shape to the open shapefile. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.shapefileObj_add(self, shape)
[документация] def addPoint(self, point: "pointObj") -> "int": r""" Appends a point to the open shapefile. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.shapefileObj_addPoint(self, point)
[документация] def getDBF(self) -> "DBFInfo *": r""" Returns a :class:`DBFInfo` object containing information on the associated DBF""" return _mapscript.shapefileObj_getDBF(self)
# Register shapefileObj in _mapscript: _mapscript.shapefileObj_swigregister(shapefileObj) wkp_none = _mapscript.wkp_none wkp_lonlat = _mapscript.wkp_lonlat wkp_gmerc = _mapscript.wkp_gmerc class projectionObj(object): r""" The :ref:`PROJECTION <projection>` object MapServer's Maps and Layers have Projection attributes, and these are C projectionObj structures, but are not directly exposed by the mapscript module """ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr numargs: "int" = property(_mapscript.projectionObj_numargs_get, doc=r""" Actual number of projection args""") automatic: "int" = property(_mapscript.projectionObj_automatic_get, doc=r""" Projection object was to fetched from the layer""") wellknownprojection: "int" = property(_mapscript.projectionObj_wellknownprojection_get, _mapscript.projectionObj_wellknownprojection_set, doc=r""" One of ``wkp_none 0``, ``wkp_lonlat 1``, or ``wkp_gmerc 2``""")
[документация] def __init__(self, proj4: "char *"): r""" Create new instance of projectionObj. Input parameter proj4 is a PROJ definition string such as 'init=EPSG:4269' """ _mapscript.projectionObj_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_projectionObj(proj4))
__swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_projectionObj
[документация] def setWKTProjection(self, wkt: "char *") -> "int": r""" Update the projectionObj using an OGC WKT definition Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.projectionObj_setWKTProjection(self, wkt)
[документация] def getUnits(self) -> "int": r""" Returns the units of a projection object. Returns -1 on error.""" return _mapscript.projectionObj_getUnits(self)
# Register projectionObj in _mapscript: _mapscript.projectionObj_swigregister(projectionObj) MS_SYMBOL_SIMPLE = _mapscript.MS_SYMBOL_SIMPLE MS_SYMBOL_VECTOR = _mapscript.MS_SYMBOL_VECTOR MS_SYMBOL_ELLIPSE = _mapscript.MS_SYMBOL_ELLIPSE MS_SYMBOL_PIXMAP = _mapscript.MS_SYMBOL_PIXMAP MS_SYMBOL_TRUETYPE = _mapscript.MS_SYMBOL_TRUETYPE MS_SYMBOL_HATCH = _mapscript.MS_SYMBOL_HATCH MS_SYMBOL_SVG = _mapscript.MS_SYMBOL_SVG MS_SYMBOL_ALLOCSIZE = _mapscript.MS_SYMBOL_ALLOCSIZE MS_MAXVECTORPOINTS = _mapscript.MS_MAXVECTORPOINTS MS_MAXPATTERNLENGTH = _mapscript.MS_MAXPATTERNLENGTH MS_IMAGECACHESIZE = _mapscript.MS_IMAGECACHESIZE class colorObj(object): r"""An object representing a color.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr red: "int" = property(_mapscript.colorObj_red_get, _mapscript.colorObj_red_set, doc=r"""Red component of color in range [0-255]""") green: "int" = property(_mapscript.colorObj_green_get, _mapscript.colorObj_green_set, doc=r"""Green component of color in range [0-255]""") blue: "int" = property(_mapscript.colorObj_blue_get, _mapscript.colorObj_blue_set, doc=r"""Blue component of color in range [0-255]""") alpha: "int" = property(_mapscript.colorObj_alpha_get, _mapscript.colorObj_alpha_set, doc=r"""Alpha (opacity) component of color in range [0-255]""")
[документация] def __init__(self, red: "int"=0, green: "int"=0, blue: "int"=0, alpha: "int"=255): r"""An object representing a color.""" _mapscript.colorObj_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_colorObj(red, green, blue, alpha))
__swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_colorObj
[документация] def setRGB(self, red: "int", green: "int", blue: "int", alpha: "int"=255) -> "int": r""" Set all four RGBA components. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE`""" return _mapscript.colorObj_setRGB(self, red, green, blue, alpha)
[документация] def setHex(self, psHexColor: "char *") -> "int": r""" Set the color to values specified in case-independent hexadecimal notation. hex must start with a '#' followed by three or four hex bytes, e.g. '#ffffff' or '#ffffffff'. If only three hex bytes are supplied, the alpha will be set to 255. Calling setHex('#ffffff') therefore assigns values of 255 to each color component, including the alpha. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.colorObj_setHex(self, psHexColor)
[документация] def toHex(self) -> "char *": r""" Complement to setHex, returning a hexadecimal representation of the color components. If alpha is 255 then this is three hex bytes '#rrggbb', otherwise four hex bytes '#rrggbbaa' """ return _mapscript.colorObj_toHex(self)
# Register colorObj in _mapscript: _mapscript.colorObj_swigregister(colorObj) class symbolObj(object): r"""The :ref:`SYMBOL <symbol>` object""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr refcount: "int" = property(_mapscript.symbolObj_refcount_get, doc=r""" Reference counter""") numpoints: "int" = property(_mapscript.symbolObj_numpoints_get, doc=r""" Number of points of a vector symbol""") imagepath: "char *" = property(_mapscript.symbolObj_imagepath_get, doc=r""" Path to pixmap file - see :ref:`IMAGE <mapfile-symbol-image>`""") name: "char *" = property(_mapscript.symbolObj_name_get, _mapscript.symbolObj_name_set, doc=r""" Symbol name - see :ref:`NAME <mapfile-symbol-name>`""") type: "int" = property(_mapscript.symbolObj_type_get, _mapscript.symbolObj_type_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`TYPE <mapfile-symbol-type>`""") inmapfile: "int" = property(_mapscript.symbolObj_inmapfile_get, _mapscript.symbolObj_inmapfile_set, doc=r""" Boolean value for writing - if set to :data:`TRUE`, the symbol will be saved inside the Mapfile. Added in MapServer 5.6.1""") sizex: "double" = property(_mapscript.symbolObj_sizex_get, _mapscript.symbolObj_sizex_set, doc=r""" :data:`MS_SYMBOL_VECTOR` and :data:`MS_SYMBOL_ELLIPSE` option""") sizey: "double" = property(_mapscript.symbolObj_sizey_get, _mapscript.symbolObj_sizey_set, doc=r""" :data:`MS_SYMBOL_VECTOR` and :data:`MS_SYMBOL_ELLIPSE` option""") minx: "double" = property(_mapscript.symbolObj_minx_get, _mapscript.symbolObj_minx_set, doc=r""" :data:`MS_SYMBOL_VECTOR` and :data:`MS_SYMBOL_ELLIPSE` option""") miny: "double" = property(_mapscript.symbolObj_miny_get, _mapscript.symbolObj_miny_set, doc=r""" :data:`MS_SYMBOL_VECTOR` and :data:`MS_SYMBOL_ELLIPSE` option""") maxx: "double" = property(_mapscript.symbolObj_maxx_get, _mapscript.symbolObj_maxx_set, doc=r""" :data:`MS_SYMBOL_VECTOR` and :data:`MS_SYMBOL_ELLIPSE` option""") maxy: "double" = property(_mapscript.symbolObj_maxy_get, _mapscript.symbolObj_maxy_set, doc=r""" :data:`MS_SYMBOL_VECTOR` and :data:`MS_SYMBOL_ELLIPSE` option""") filled: "int" = property(_mapscript.symbolObj_filled_get, _mapscript.symbolObj_filled_set, doc=r""" :data:`MS_TRUE` or :data:`MS_FALSE` - see :ref:`FILLED <mapfile-symbol-filled>`""") anchorpoint_x: "double" = property(_mapscript.symbolObj_anchorpoint_x_get, _mapscript.symbolObj_anchorpoint_x_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`ANCHORPOINT <mapfile-symbol-anchorpoint>`""") anchorpoint_y: "double" = property(_mapscript.symbolObj_anchorpoint_y_get, _mapscript.symbolObj_anchorpoint_y_set, doc=r""" See :ref:`ANCHORPOINT <mapfile-symbol-anchorpoint>`""") transparent: "int" = property(_mapscript.symbolObj_transparent_get, _mapscript.symbolObj_transparent_set, doc=r""" **TODO** Remove""") transparentcolor: "int" = property(_mapscript.symbolObj_transparentcolor_get, _mapscript.symbolObj_transparentcolor_set, doc=r""" **TODO** Remove""") character: "char *" = property(_mapscript.symbolObj_character_get, _mapscript.symbolObj_character_set, doc=r""" For TrueType symbols - see :ref:`CHARACTER <mapfile-symbol-character>`""") font: "char *" = property(_mapscript.symbolObj_font_get, _mapscript.symbolObj_font_set, doc=r""" For TrueType symbols - see :ref:`FONT <mapfile-symbol-font>`""")
[документация] def __init__(self, symbolname: "char *", imagefile: "char const *"=None): r""" Create new default :class:`symbolObj` named ``symbolname``. If ``imagefile`` is specified, then the symbol will be of type :data:`MS_SYMBOL_PIXMAP`. """ _mapscript.symbolObj_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_symbolObj(symbolname, imagefile))
__swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_symbolObj
[документация] def setImagepath(self, imagefile: "char const *") -> "int": r""" Sets the ``imagefile`` path for a :data:`MS_SYMBOL_PIXMAP`. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.symbolObj_setImagepath(self, imagefile)
[документация] def setPoints(self, line: "lineObj") -> "int": r""" Sets the symbol points from the points of line. Returns the updated number of points.""" return _mapscript.symbolObj_setPoints(self, line)
[документация] def getPoints(self) -> "lineObj *": r""" Returns the symbol points as a :class:`lineObj`.""" return _mapscript.symbolObj_getPoints(self)
[документация] def getImage(self, input_format: "outputFormatObj") -> "imageObj *": r""" Returns a pixmap symbol's imagery as an :class:`imageObj`.""" return _mapscript.symbolObj_getImage(self, input_format)
[документация] def setImage(self, image: "imageObj") -> "int": r""" Set a pixmap symbol's imagery from image. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.symbolObj_setImage(self, image)
# Register symbolObj in _mapscript: _mapscript.symbolObj_swigregister(symbolObj) MS_HASHSIZE = _mapscript.MS_HASHSIZE class hashTableObj(object): r"""An object to store key-value pairs""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr numitems: "int" = property(_mapscript.hashTableObj_numitems_get, doc=r""" **immutable** number of items""")
[документация] def __init__(self): r""" Create a new instance""" _mapscript.hashTableObj_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_hashTableObj())
__swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_hashTableObj
[документация] def set(self, key: "char *", value: "char *") -> "int": r""" Set a hash item given key and value. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.hashTableObj_set(self, key, value)
[документация] def get(self, key: "char *", default_value: "char *"=None) -> "char *": r""" Returns the value of the item by its key, or default if the key does not exist""" return _mapscript.hashTableObj_get(self, key, default_value)
[документация] def remove(self, key: "char *") -> "int": r""" Removes the hash item by its key. Returns :data:`MS_SUCCESS` or :data:`MS_FAILURE` """ return _mapscript.hashTableObj_remove(self, key)
[документация] def clear(self) -> "void": r""" Empties the table of all items""" return _mapscript.hashTableObj_clear(self)
[документация] def nextKey(self, prevkey: "char *"=None) -> "char const *": r""" Returns the name of the next key or NULL if there is no valid next key. If the input key is NULL, returns the first key """ return _mapscript.hashTableObj_nextKey(self, prevkey)
def __getitem__(self, key): return self.get(key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): return self.set(key, value) def __delitem__(self, key) : return self.remove(key) def __contains__(self, key): return key.lower() in [k.lower() for k in self.keys()] def __len__(self): return self.numitems
[документация] def keys(self): """ **Python-only**. In Python MapScript the ``hashTableObj`` can be used and accessed as a dictionary. The ``keys`` method returns a view of all the keys in the ``hashTableObj``. """ keys = [] k = None while True : k = self.nextKey(k) if k : keys.append(k) else : break return keys
# Register hashTableObj in _mapscript: _mapscript.hashTableObj_swigregister(hashTableObj) MS_DEFAULT_CGI_PARAMS = _mapscript.MS_DEFAULT_CGI_PARAMS MS_GET_REQUEST = _mapscript.MS_GET_REQUEST MS_POST_REQUEST = _mapscript.MS_POST_REQUEST class OWSRequest(object): r"""Class for programming OWS services""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr NumParams: "int" = property(_mapscript.OWSRequest_NumParams_get, doc=r""" The number of querystring parameters""") type: "enum MS_REQUEST_TYPE" = property(_mapscript.OWSRequest_type_get, _mapscript.OWSRequest_type_set, doc=r""" A :ref:`request type constant<mapfile-constants-requesttype>`""") contenttype: "char *" = property(_mapscript.OWSRequest_contenttype_get, _mapscript.OWSRequest_contenttype_set, doc=r""" The content type of the request""") postrequest: "char *" = property(_mapscript.OWSRequest_postrequest_get, _mapscript.OWSRequest_postrequest_set, doc=r""" Any POST data request""") httpcookiedata: "char *" = property(_mapscript.OWSRequest_httpcookiedata_get, _mapscript.OWSRequest_httpcookiedata_set, doc=r""" Any cookie data associated with the request""")
[документация] def __init__(self): r""" Not associated with other mapscript classes. Serves as a message intermediary between an application and MapServer's OWS capabilities. Using it permits creation of lightweight WMS services. """ _mapscript.OWSRequest_swiginit(self, _mapscript.new_OWSRequest())
__swig_destroy__ = _mapscript.delete_OWSRequest
[документация] def loadParams(self) -> "int": r""" Initializes the OWSRequest object from the cgi environment variables ``REQUEST_METHOD``, ``QUERY_STRING`` and ``HTTP_COOKIE``. Returns the number of name/value pairs collected. Warning: most errors will result in a process exit! """ return _mapscript.OWSRequest_loadParams(self)
[документация] def loadParamsFromURL(self, url: "char const *") -> "int": r""" Initializes the OWSRequest object from the provided URL which is treated like a ``QUERY_STRING``. Note that ``REQUEST_METHOD=GET`` and no post data is assumed in this case. """ return _mapscript.OWSRequest_loadParamsFromURL(self, url)
[документация] def setParameter(self, name: "char *", value: "char *") -> "void": r""" Set a request parameter. For example: request.setParameter('REQUEST', 'GetMap') request.setParameter('BBOX', '-107.0,40.0,-106.0,41.0') """ return _mapscript.OWSRequest_setParameter(self, name, value)
[документация] def addParameter(self, name: "char *", value: "char *") -> "void": r""" Add a request parameter, even if the parameter key was previously set. This is useful when multiple parameters with the same key are required. For example: request.addParameter('SIZE', 'x(100)') request.addParameter('SIZE', 'y(100)') """ return _mapscript.OWSRequest_addParameter(self, name, value)
[документация] def getName(self, index: "int") -> "char *": r""" Return the name of the parameter at ``index`` in the request's array of parameter names. """ return _mapscript.OWSRequest_getName(self, index)
[документация] def getValue(self, index: "int") -> "char *": r""" Return the value of the parameter at ``index`` in the request's array of parameter values. """ return _mapscript.OWSRequest_getValue(self, index)
[документация] def getValueByName(self, name: "char const *") -> "char *": r""" Return the value associated with the parameter ``name``""" return _mapscript.OWSRequest_getValueByName(self, name)
# Register OWSRequest in _mapscript: _mapscript.OWSRequest_swigregister(OWSRequest) def msConnPoolCloseUnreferenced() -> "void": r""" Some memory leaks can be avoided by closing any unreferenced connections from time to time. See https://github.com/mapserver/mapserver/issues/1661 """ return _mapscript.msConnPoolCloseUnreferenced() def msIO_resetHandlers() -> "void": r""" Resets the default stdin and stdout handlers in place of buffer based handlers.""" return _mapscript.msIO_resetHandlers() def msIO_installStdoutToBuffer() -> "void": r""" Installs a mapserver IO handler directing future stdout output to a memory buffer.""" return _mapscript.msIO_installStdoutToBuffer() def msIO_installStdinFromBuffer() -> "void": r""" Installs a mapserver IO handler directing future stdin reading (i.e. post request capture) to come from a buffer. """ return _mapscript.msIO_installStdinFromBuffer() def msIO_stripStdoutBufferContentType() -> "char const *": r""" Strip the Content-type header off the stdout buffer if it has one, and if a content type is found it is returned (otherwise NULL/None/etc). """ return _mapscript.msIO_stripStdoutBufferContentType() def msIO_stripStdoutBufferContentHeaders() -> "void": r""" Strip all Content-* headers off the stdout buffer if it has any.""" return _mapscript.msIO_stripStdoutBufferContentHeaders() def msIO_getStdoutBufferString() -> "char const *": r""" Fetch the current stdout buffer contents as a string. This method does not clear the buffer. """ return _mapscript.msIO_getStdoutBufferString() def msIO_getStdoutBufferBytes() -> "gdBuffer": r""" Fetch the current stdout buffer contents as a binary buffer. The exact form of this buffer will vary by MapScript language (e/g. string in Python, byte[] array in Java and C#, unhandled in Perl). """ return _mapscript.msIO_getStdoutBufferBytes() def msIO_getAndStripStdoutBufferMimeHeaders() -> "hashTableObj *": r""" Strip off all MIME headers and return them in a hashTableObj""" return _mapscript.msIO_getAndStripStdoutBufferMimeHeaders() def fromstring(data, mappath=None): """Creates map objects from mapfile strings. Parameters ========== data : string Mapfile in a string. mappath : string Optional root map path, enabling relative paths in mapfile. Example ======= >>> mo = fromstring("MAP\nNAME 'test'\nEND") >>> mo.name 'test' """ import re if re.search(r"^\s*MAP", data, re.I): return msLoadMapFromString(data, mappath) elif re.search(r"^\s*LAYER", data, re.I): ob = layerObj() ob.updateFromString(data) return ob elif re.search(r"^\s*CLASS", data, re.I): ob = classObj() ob.updateFromString(data) return ob elif re.search(r"^\s*STYLE", data, re.I): ob = styleObj() ob.updateFromString(data) return ob else: raise ValueError("No map, layer, class, or style found. Can not load from provided string")